簡介:" 卑南族的男子,在到了約三十歲以上,結了婚、有孩子,是受族人尊敬的年齡級,稱為「maidan」。此級所穿的衣服,包括帽子、禮衣、綁腿,全部都是手織的布做的,顏色鮮豔漂亮,表示這些人的身份尊貴。而帽子「kabun」也是這個階級的男性才有穿戴的權力。 但是從早期的照片中發現,卑南族男子以往的頭飾,有類似阿美族的如扇形的頭飾。再對比起目中老年級「maidan」的男子的服飾中,有如長背心「longbaw」明顯受到外來型制的影響,此方帽或許亦為相當晚近的發明,或者是延續受到阿美族帽式的影響,再融合至方帽的裝飾上。PuyumaHatEthnology卑南帽子原住民民族誌標本When Pinan men reached over 30 years of age, were married, had children and were at the age where they were respected by other tribe members, they were in the "maidan" stage. Their attire in this stage was all hand woven cloth-made,including the hat, ceremonial clothes, leg wraps and brightly colored,all indicating that the wearer was a man of status. The hat "kabun" could only be worn by men of this status. Early pictures show that in the past Pinan headwear featured fan-like headwear like that of the Atayal. Amongst "maidan" age men's attire was a long waistcoat "longbaw" that clearly was influenced by external sources. Perhaps the square hat was also a relatively late development or was influenced by the Atayal."