簡介:"PuyumaKnivesEthnology卑南配刀原住民民族誌標本The men of Taiwan's Austronesian tribes used knives that were both practical and decorative. The simple unelaborate knives were used as weapons, used in hunting and to clear foliage when walking. Exquisite knives with carvings or inlays were worn on special occasions with ceremonial clothes. In general, the knives of northern tribes were curved, while in the south they were straight bladed. Binan tribe knives were tadaw which were weapons and kamut which were for everyday use. The latter had a small dagger as an accessory and an awl pasus, which was used to stitch up wounds. Knives used as weapons and their accessories were together called aliyut. When weapon knives were lost everyday use knives would be used as weapons. From what is known today, Taiwan's mountain aborigines did not have metal forging ability, therefore it is thought that metal objects came from outside sources, both finished or semi-finished products. Apart from the textile belt, making the handle, sheath and decorating was men's work. 台灣南島語族的男用配刀大多兼具實用與裝飾的性質,樸實無華的刀具,大多是昔日的武器、上山時的獵具與農作、行走時披荊斬棘的工具;浮雕或鑲嵌精美的刀具,則大多為男子盛裝時配掛之用。一般而言,台灣中、北部的族群配刀刀刃呈弧形,南部族群多直刃。 相同的,卑南族的刀也分為武器用刀「taDaw」和日用刀「kamuT」。日用的刀附有小刀和錐子「pasus」,錐子是用來縫合傷口所用。武器用的刀及其附屬品總稱為「aliyuT」,在武器用的刀遺失時,也會用日用刀來當武器使用。 就目前所知,台灣山區的原住民並無冶鐵的證據,因此鐵器的使用推測應為外來輸入品。不論輸入的鐵器為成品或半成品,除了配戴的織品腰帶之外,刀具包括刀柄、刀鞘的製作與裝飾,皆是男性的工作。"