石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第六冊,頁2694-2697&*故宮書畫錄(卷一),第一冊,頁144-148&*黃庭堅(西元一O四五-一一O五年),江西分寧人,字魯直,號涪翁,事親至孝。治平四年(一O六七)舉進士,工詩文,尤長於書法。書法初學周越,後大字法〈瘗鶴銘〉,草書師張旭、懷素,自成一家。此札筆法豐富,結字亦講求變化,可見其大字書寫之意趣,惟點畫間亦時顯傳統書學的影響。信中推託寫字在酷暑中亦屬難事,須待天氣涼爽方可完成,反映出北宋文人書法應酬的實際脈絡。(20120104)&*Huang Tingjian (style name Luzhi, sobriquet Fuweng) was a native of Fenning, Jiangxi. Precocious as a youth, he was also very filial. A Presented Scholar of 1067, he excelled at poetry and especially calligraphy, which he first studied under Zhou Yue. Later, he took the Yihe inscription as his model for large characters, and in cursive he followed the Tang dynasty styles of Zhang Xu and Huaisu to form a manner of his own. The brushwork here is rich and the characters varied. Showing an interest in large-character calligraphy, the dots and strokes only sometimes reveal elements of traditional studies. Huang mentions in the contents declining a request for calligraphy due to the summer heat, offering to do it when the weather cools down. Thus, this letter reflects an actual situation of social calligraphy in the Song dynasty. (20120104)&*黄庭堅(1045-1105)、江西分寧の人、字は魯直、号は涪翁。父母に孝養を尽くしたという。治平4年(1067)進士、詩文に優れ、書法を得意とした。書法は初め周越に師事し、後に大字の「瘗鶴銘」を学んだ。草書は張旭、懐素の影響を受け、一派をなした。本作には様々な筆法が見られ、結字もまた変化に富んでおり、大字の書写は味わい深いが、点画に伝統的な書学の影響も見受けられる。この書簡には、酷暑の最中に文字を書くのは難儀なことだと言い訳し、涼しくなるのを待って完成させるとあり、北宋時代の文人の書法を通した交際の様子がうかがえる。(20120104)