石渠寶笈三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3116&*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁218-219&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十九冊,頁257-260&*1.王耀庭、張華芝,〈明陸治畫仙圃長春〉,收入王耀庭、張華芝編,《明陸治作品展覽圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1992年初版),頁76。 2.姜又文,〈吳門花鳥畫的雙胞案 — 陸治《仙圃長春圖》與魯治《百花圖》研究〉,《議藝份子》,第13期(2009年9月),頁49-72。 &*陸治不僅長於畫山水畫,也能畫花鳥,目前傳世作品中花鳥畫約有四十幅左右,工筆、寫意兩種風格都有。在陸治長年隱居生活中,園藝操作也是生活的一部分。依據陸治好友王世貞的記載,陸治熱衷園藝,尤其喜歡種菊花,在支硎山居園子裡有成百上千的花木。經過長期對植物生態的觀察,陸治可以精確地掌握到花葉、枝幹的形態,用熟練的筆法、鮮嫩的色調,在紙絹上傳達無限生意。這卷工筆花卉畫在絹上,筆法和設色都具有宋朝人的韻度,將花朵盛開、半開、含苞的景象以及俯仰向背的姿態,都畫出來了,是陸治六十五歲山居生活觀察入微之作。所畫依序為杏花、蕙蘭、剪秋蘿、牡丹、梨花、貼梗海棠、百合花、紫薇、薔薇、梔子花、秋海棠、牽牛花、秋葵、山茶、綠萼梅、水仙、共計十六種。 &*Lu Chih not only excelled at landscape painting but also at the subject of birds-and-flowers. His surviving works in the latter category include both the fine-line and “sketching ideas” manners. In reclusion after the age of around 50, gardening was an important part of Lu’s life. According to a record by Lu's friend Wang Shih-chen, Lu enjoyed gardening and grew many plants and trees at Chih-hsing Mountain. After spending a considerable amount of time observing the appearance and growth of these plants, he was able to capture them with his mature brushwork and his fine sense of coloring, thus giving them “immortality” with this scroll of silk. This handscroll in the fine-line style with colors follows in the tradition of Sung artists. It was done by Lu Chih in 1560 at the age of 64, during the prime of his career at Chih-hsing Mountain. In order of appearance from right to left, there are sixteen blossoming plants, including the apricot, orchid, late pink, peony, pear, flowering quince, lily, crape-myrtle, rose, gardenia, begonia, morning glory, hibiscus, camellia, green calyx plum, and narcissus. &*此卷工筆花卉作於六十五歲,正當陸治老境成熟之際。在陸治長年隱居生活中,園藝操作也是生活的一部分,通過長期對植物生態的觀察,陸治可以精確地掌握到花葉、枝幹的形態,用熟練的筆墨、鮮嫩的色調,在絹布上傳達無限生意。所畫依序為杏花、蕙蘭、剪秋蘿、牡丹、梨花、貼梗海棠、百合花、紫薇、薔薇、梔子花、秋海棠、牽牛花、秋葵、山茶、綠萼梅、水仙,共計十六種。&*This handscroll in the fine-line style with colors was done by Lu Chih in 1560 at the age of 64 during the prime of his career. In Lu’s many years of living in reclusion after around the age of 50, a good part of his time was spent cultivating his garden of flowers and plants. With much time observing these plants, he was able to accurately grasp the way they look and grow. Using his mature brushwork and beautiful coloring, he thereby was able to give them immortality with this scroll of silk. In order of appearance from right to left, there are 16 blossoming plants, including apricot, orchid, late pink, peony, pear, flowering quince, lily, crape-myrtle, rose, gardenia, begonia, morning glory, hibiscus, camellia, green calyx plum, and narcissus.