石渠寶笈三編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁610-611&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁164&* 周臣(約活動於十五至十六世紀間),吳(今江蘇蘇州)人。字舜卿,號東邨。畫山水師陳暹,於宋人摹李、郭、馬、夏,用筆純熟,所謂行家意勝耳,亦是院體中一高手。 畫山壑間一瀑飛瀉;流泉重重疊疊,蜿蜒其中,高士坐松下平臺觀之。全幅筆勢綿密而不紊亂,各極意態,見其蒼勁穩健之功。 本幅為「明人畫扇」冊第一開。 &*Listening to a Waterfall in a Valley of Pines Chou Ch’en (fl. 15th – 16th century) Ming Dynasty Chou Ch’en (style name Shun-ch’ing; sobriquet Tung-ts’un) was a native of Wu (modern Soochow, Kiangsu). He took the landscape style of Ch’en Hsüan as his teacher. In copying the style of such Sung dynasty painters as Li Ch’eng (919-967), Kuo His (ca. 1001-ca. 1090), Ma Yüan (fl. 1190-1225), and Hsai Kuei (fl. mid-13th century), his brushwork was so mature as to capture their spirit. He was thus also one of the masters of the academic style. Depicted in this album leaf are a mountain gorge and a cascading waterfall. The stream emerging from the waterfall zigzags downward. Sitting on a flat platform beneath a pine in a bend in the stream is a lofty scholar gazing at the waterfall. The brushwork throughout the painting is detailed and orderly with an impressive demeanor; thus revealing the virtues of the artist’s strong and steady style. &* 周臣(約西元一四五○-一五三五年),江蘇吳縣人。字舜卿,號東坉。善畫山水、人物。山水師陳暹,間傳宋人畫法,得力於李唐、劉松年、馬遠、夏圭。用筆純熟,風骨勁健,嘗傳授筆法與唐寅、仇英。 三株老松枝幹虯曲,立於崖石,勁健挺拔。小徑上高士轉首聽泉,一童子攜琴而至,人物繪製仔細,神情畢具。全作以濕筆為之,勾皴並用,墨氣淋漓。用筆潑辣,成熟醇厚。