故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁181&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁299-300&* 戴洪,里居字號不詳,乾隆時人。善畫山水,與程志道、金昆、孫祐諸人,合繪清明上河圖。 畫竹叢老榦,梅花盛開。上棲鴝鵒五,山雀二,跳躍飛止,悉備各態。竹葉作戰筆雙鈎,氣息古雅。 &*Plum and Birds Tai Hung (18th century) Ch’ing Dynasty Although the exact dates of Tai Hung’s birth and death remain uncertain, he is known to have been active in the court as a painter during the reign of the Ch’ien-lung Emperor (1736-1796). He was one of the several artists who worked on the famous “City of Cathay” handscroll, along with Ch’eng Chih-tao, Chin K’un, and Sun yu. This painting depicts a clump of old bamboo and some plums in full blossom. Five mynah birds and two small birds fly and perch among the branches. The bamboo leaves are outlined with the “trembling brush” technique, imparting an elegantly archaic flavor.