秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁365&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁127&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁415-416&* 姚文瀚(活動於西元一七五二年前後),順天(北平)人。號濯亭,乾隆時供奉內廷,善畫佛道人物。 據裱綾上的藏文標名及畫中人物形貌,本幅與第十八尊者的中文法號錯置,本幅應為嘎沙鴉巴達喇瑪。 《羅漢禮供》所頌揚的西藏羅漢團體,在第十六尊者之後,接下來就是居士羯摩札拉及四大天王,並無此尊。此尊形貌酷似漢地流傳的彌勒化身布袋和尚,根據藏地的傳說,他是唐肅宗派到西藏邀請羅漢的信使,並負責確保羅漢的旅途安全,遂與十六羅漢常相左右。藏人稱其為「和尚」,一如漢人稱藏僧為「喇嘛」,直取其音譯,故可推測,西漢羅漢集團中的這位和尚,乃是由漢地傳入的,時間上晚於《禮供》而早於奈塘版畫,也就是明清之間。 流傳到西藏又成為送子和尚。此尊寬面大肚,手持佛珠、蟠桃,童子圍繞嬉戲。雲後半裸禪定飄帶者,是印度修行得道的大成就者。 &* Yao Wen-han (sorbriquet Cho-t’ing) was a native of Shun-t’ien. (modern Peking) He excelled in Buddhist and Taoist figure painting and served as a painter in the Inner Court of the Ch’ien-lung emperor (r.1736-1796). According to the Tibetan inscription on the mounting and the iconography of the figure, this painting is of the eighteenth Lohan, Hvasheng, and not the seventeenth Lohan as written in the Chinese inscription which was added later. In Tibetan lore, Hvasheng helped disseminate a message from the Chinese emperor inviting lohans from India to go to China. He is therefore often depicted with the Sixteen Lohans. The origin of his Tibetan name comes from the sound of the characters 〞ho-sheng 〞-hence 〞Hvasheng.〞The pictorial representation is related to that of the Chinese monk Pu-tai. When this tradition spread to Tibet, this monk was called 〞Sung-tzu ho-sheng,〞the 〞monk who brings children.〞 This lohan has a broad face and a large stomach. He holds Buddha beads and a peach of longevity. Playing children surround him. In the clouds behind is an Indian Mahàsiddha, asaint or miracle-worker, who has attained enlightenment and wears the meditation cord. &*1.葛婉章,〈清姚文瀚畫十六羅漢連作 — 清宮羅漢畫,流露西藏風〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第156期(1996年3月),頁50-86。