石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁934&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁3&* 趙孟頫(西元一二五四-一三二二年),字子昂,宋皇室之後裔。詩文書畫俱精,倡導復古,堪稱元代藝壇領袖。此卷卷末雖有趙孟頫款及其鈐印四方,然篆字結字鬆散,筆力軟弱,缺乏趙字之穩重雅緻,且趙氏印皆偽,當是後人託名仿作。唯卷末有項元汴跋云「右趙文敏公篆書。梁周興嗣千字文帖。其為真蹟無疑。」等語,而本幅右下則有千字文第四九五「槐字號」編序,曾入藏項氏天籟閣。&* Zhao Mengfu, from the Song imperial clan, was gifted in poetry, prose, painting, and calligraphy; he promoted revivalism and was called a leader in Yuan art circles. Though the end of this scroll features his signature and four seals, the seal-script characters are loose and the brushwork weak, lacking his refined yet steady style. The Zhao seals are also all forged imitations by a later hand, yet Xiang Yuanbian’s colophon at the end reads, “To the right is the seal script by Master Zhao Wenmin (Mengfu), a modelbook of the ‘Thousand Character Classic’ by Zhou Xingsi and undoubtedly authentic.” Also in the lower right is the 495th character from this classic (huai 槐) as an accession number, indicating it was once in Xiang Yuanbian’s Hall of Heavenly Sounds.