石渠寶笈續編(懋勤殿),第七冊,頁3557&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁442-443&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁155-156&* 陳祼字誠將,號道樗,又號白室,江蘇吳縣人,約生於嘉靖四十二年(西元一五六三)。萬曆啓禎間(約一六一0-一六四0)在蘇州,與畫家程嘉燧、文從簡、盛茂瞱、卞文瑜有交誼。陳貞慧山陽錄載祼壯遊名山大川,所至爭客之,得其筆墨,如隋珠鄴錦。山水接軫文徵明,工行楷書,能詩,晚年遁跡虎丘,以吟咏自適,有嫗解集。 此幅應陸子垂作洗硯詩意,筆墨酣暢,樹石造型多作斜長形,為吳派晚期特色之一。 &*Washing the Inkstone Ch’en Kuan (active early 17th century) Ming dynasty Ch’en Kuan, a native of Suchou, Kiangsu, was born around 1563. During the late Wan-li, T’ien-ch’i and Ch’ung-chen reigns (ca. 1610-1644) he lived in Suchou and associated with the painters Ch’eng Chia-sui, Wen Ts’ung-chien, Sheng Mao-yeh, and Pien Wen-yü. Ch’en Kuan’s landscape paintings follow the style of Wen Cheng-ming. He was also an able poet and calligrapher. Late in life he lived as a recluse on Tiger Hill in Suchou. This painting answers Lu Tzu-ch’ui’s “The Poetic Idea of Washing the Inkstone.” Brush and ink are relaxed and flowing, and the rocks are constructed in long, slanted forms--one of the characteristics of late Wu School painting.