石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1958&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁52-54&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁342-347&* 錢穀(西元一五0八-一五七八年),字叔寶,江蘇吳縣(今蘇州)人。曾遊文徵明門下,山水、人物、花鳥俱擅長,筆意脫俗,畫風文雅。 嘉靖二十六年(一五四七)錢穀從蘇州南下,入浙省,沿富春江,經桐廬、淳安,再沿新安江至安徽休寧白岳,二十年後(一五六六),畫成這套紀遊圖冊,雖然是想像而成,其中名勝仍可按圖索驥,而紀實中又不失雅逸的畫風。 &* Ch’ien Ku was a native of what is now Soochow. Having once studied under Wen Cheng-ming, he excelled at painting landscapes, figures, and birds-and-flowers with a refined style. In 1547, Ch’ien Ku traveled south from Soochow in Kiangsu to Chekiang. Traveling by boat on the Fu-ch’un River, he passed by T’ung-lu and Ch’un-an. He then traveled on the Hsin-an River to Mt. Pai-yüeh in Anhwei. However, it was not until 20 years later that he did this album of paintings to commemorate the trip. Although based on memory, the specific sites rendered here are still recognizable. Furthermore, despite the documentary nature of the album, the paintings do not lack the elegant manner of the scholar style. &*錢穀(1508-1578年),字叔寶,江蘇吳縣(今蘇州)人。曾遊文徵明門下,工書法,好藏書,又擅畫山水、人物、花鳥,筆意脫俗,畫風文雅。 嘉靖二十六年(1547)錢穀從蘇州南下,入浙江,沿富春江,經桐廬、淳安,再沿新安江至安徽休寧白嶽,二十年後(1566),畫成這套紀遊圖冊,雖然是追想而成,其中名勝仍可按圖索驥。全作筆法靈巧,設色秀潤,為一件紀實中又不失雅逸的畫冊。 (20110913)&*Qian Gu (style name Shubao), a native of Wuxian in Jiangsu (modern Suzhou), once studied under Wen Zhengming. Good at calligraphy and possessing a fine collection of books, he specialized in painting landscapes, figures, and bird-and-flowers in a refined brush manner and elegant painting style. In 1547, Qian Gu took a trip south from Suzhou and into Zhejiang. Traveling by boat along the Fuchun River, he passed by Tonglu and Chun’an, then proceeding on the Xin’an River to Mt. Baiyue in Anhui. However, it was not until almost twenty years later in 1566 that he did this album of paintings to record the journey. Although based on his recollection, the scenic sites rendered herein can still be traced. Furthermore, the spirited brushwork and elegant coloring throughout this work make it a painting album that is documentary yet not lacking in refined leisure. (20110913)