石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第五冊,頁2793&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁311&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁185-186&* 姚綬(西元一四二三-一四九五年)浙江嘉善人,字公綬,號穀庵,又號雲東逸史。成化初,曾官至永寧守。解官歸,築室曰丹丘,故又稱丹丘先生。工詩,善書畫。書法蘇軾,山水法吳鎮,間寫吳鎮竹石,亦瀟洒可愛。本幅畫鴝鵒臨風晚立,跳擲鳴聒,頗見情思。枯木竹石,筆墨草草,倍增蕭疏。&*Mynah Birds among Winter Trees Yao Shou (1423-1495) Ming dynasty Yao Shou was a native of Chia-shan in Chekiang. His style-name was Kung-shou and his sobriquets Ku-an and Yün-tung I-shih. At the beginning of the Ch’eng-hua period (1465-1488) he was a District Prefect for Yung-ning-chün but retired to a retreat he built for himself, called Tan-ch’iu. He was a skilled poet and a good painter and calligrapher. As a calligrapher he followed Su Shih and as a painter Wu Chen. In this picture mynah birds hop and flit among the branches of winter trees, twittering and calling into the cold wind. The freely sketched branches, bamboos and rock add greatly to the effect of winter’s somber sparseness.