

明林廣春山圖 軸

明林廣春山圖 軸

and admires the spring view. The artist has used strong, virile brushwork to depict the allure.....more

清羅牧林壑蕭?圖 軸

清羅牧林壑蕭?圖 軸

the ink to produce this intimate view of a river with trees. One might say that while the brushwork.....more

清張宗蒼松陰高士圖 軸

清張宗蒼松陰高士圖 軸

majestically. A waterfall rushes down to form a pool below. Beneath pines two gentlemen sit and view.....more

清金廷標畫碧桃 軸

清金廷標畫碧桃 軸

background extremely low in the picture-plane, giving us a distant view of a level expanse of sand.....more

清張鵬翀畫西山秋眺 軸

清張鵬翀畫西山秋眺 軸

。 畫大江兩岸景緻,一邊是茅亭紅樹散置在蜿蜒的坡岸上,並點綴著數處湍泉;另一邊則是崇山垂瀑,遠山層疊,漸行漸遠。通幅用筆用色疏朗,讓人充份領受到一份秋高氣爽的感覺。 &*Autumn View.....more



stretches inland' then winds around so as to be out of view. ------- Extracted 內容摘要說明:散步,登上一個有著美麗瀑布的迷人的.....more

NL_001_0003, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Dzong-ka-ba, Three Principal Aspects of the Path 三主要道

NL_001_0003, Kensur Ngawang Le...

to enlightenment: renunciation, bodhicitta and the correct view of emptiness. Tibetan with interposed.....more

NL_001_0008, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Dzong-ka-ba, Three Principal Aspects of the Path 三主要道

NL_001_0008, Kensur Ngawang Le...

to enlightenment: renunciation, bodhicitta and the correct view of emptiness. Tibetan with interposed.....more

NL_002_0013, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Jam-yang-shay-ba, Great Exposition of Tenets; Differentiatiion of Outer and Inner

NL_002_0013, Kensur Ngawang Le...

Keywords:Differentiation of Outer and Inner; View; Meditation Genre:Tenets; siddhanta; grub mtha.....more

NL_002_0014, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Jam-yang-shay-ba, Great Exposition of Tenets; Differentiatiion of Outer and Inner

NL_002_0014, Kensur Ngawang Le...

Keywords:Differentiation of Outer and Inner; View; Meditation Genre:Tenets; siddhanta; grub mtha.....more

NL_001_0019, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Dzong-ka-ba, Three Principal Aspects of the Path 三主要道

NL_001_0019, Kensur Ngawang Le...

: renunciation, bodhicitta and the correct view of emptiness. Tibetan with interposed English.....more

NL_001_0018, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Dzong-ka-ba, Three Principal Aspects of the Path 三主要道

NL_001_0018, Kensur Ngawang Le...

: renunciation, bodhicitta and the correct view of emptiness. Tibetan with interposed English.....more

NL_001_0017, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Dzong-ka-ba, Three Principal Aspects of the Path 三主要道

NL_001_0017, Kensur Ngawang Le...

: renunciation, bodhicitta and the correct view of emptiness. Tibetan with interposed English.....more

NL_001_0016, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Dzong-ka-ba, Three Principal Aspects of the Path 三主要道

NL_001_0016, Kensur Ngawang Le...

: renunciation, bodhicitta and the correct view of emptiness. Tibetan with interposed English.....more

NL_001_0009, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Dzong-ka-ba, Three Principal Aspects of the Path 三主要道

NL_001_0009, Kensur Ngawang Le...

to enlightenment: renunciation, bodhicitta and the correct view of emptiness. Tibetan with interposed.....more
