石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第四冊,頁1855&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁125&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁293-294&* 金廷標,浙江烏程人,字士揆,善人物花卉,亦工寫眞。高宗南巡時,進獻白描羅漢冊稱旨,被召入內廷供奉。 本幅畫臨水奇石,旁生桃樹一株,花葉盈枝,紅綠競姸。構圖為襯托近處樹石主題緣故,遠景採取低視平線法。平沙野蕪,益見遼遠,特有實境之感。 &* Chin T’ing-piao was a native of Wu-ch’eng in chekiang. His tzu (style name) was Shih-ku’ei. He was good at painting figure and flower subjects and was also a skilled portraitist. On one of the Ch’ien-lung Emperor’s (r. 1736-1795) inspection tours of the south, Chin T’ing-piao presented an album of ink drawings of Buddhist arhats. The Emperor liked it and summoned Chin to serve at court. This painting shows a collection of oddly shaped rocks standing over a stream; beside stands a peach tree in full blossom, red and green vying with each other in freshness. The main interest of this painting is in the trees and rocks of the foreground; to achieve this aim the artist has painted background extremely low in the picture-plane, giving us a distant view of a level expanse of sand and uncultivated land. The effect is very realistic.