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共找到 96 筆符合的資料
開泰說一篇,又仿明宣宗作開泰圖。三羊造型,實仿朗世寧開泰圖。花石則係鄒一桂奉詔補景之作。 &*Following Ming Hsuan-tsung’s Kai-tai Tu The Ch’ien.....more
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民國臺靜農臨漢簡 軸
and late sobriquet Ching-che) was a native of Huo-ch’iu, Anhwei province. He was an important scholar.....more
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歷代名繪 冊 射妖圖
), written in the C'ing dynasty (1644-1911), describes how the attendant of Chung K'uei, Fu Ch'ü.....more
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明汪肇淵明愛菊圖 軸
(fl. ca. 15th-16th c.) Ming Dynasty Wang Chao (style names Te-ch’u and K’o-chung), a native of Hsiu.....more
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清戴天瑞秋山落照 軸
重疊,林木相錯,山陬水湄,亭宇相望。全作以指代筆,樹石皆用指甲指頭沾墨和水,細鉤重染,意韻醇厚,毫無一般指畫之野氣。 &* Tai T’ien-jui (style name His-t’ang.....more
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,彩繪妍麗,蓋應制之作,不得不繁縟工麗以增飾之。為唐岱、孫祜、沈源、周鯤、丁觀鵬等合作。 New Feng Court Painters Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911.....more
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明董其昌夏木垂陰圖 軸
-tai chi, Hua-chih, and Hua-ch’an-shih sui-pi. 本幅 321.9x102.3公分&全幅 114公分 TIME STAMP:10-4月.....more
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明仇英春遊晚歸圖 軸
that of a similarly titled painting by Tai Chin (1388-1462) in the early Ming. However, Ch’iu's style.....more
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清畫院畫十二月月令圖十月 軸
。&*Activities of the 12 Months: The 10th Month Anonymous Court Painters Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911.....more
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明石芮軒轅問道圖 卷
Emperor’s visit to the hermit Kuang-ch’eng-tzu of K’ung-t’ung Mountain, who reputedly had discovered.....more
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as a painter in the Inner Court of the Ch’ien-lung emperor (r.1736-1796). According to the Tibetan.....more
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明陳洪綬畫卷石山茶 軸
。 本幅畫一株枝幹蒼老的山茶樹,倚著湖石昂首佇立。兩朵綻放的茶花,勾勒簡單而有力,前方的地上,還畫了兩顆車前子,高低之間,彷彿可以相互顧盼。雖然筆調並不拘泥於形似,仍舊洋溢著活潑潑的生機。&*Ch.....more
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