New FengCourt PaintersCh’ing Dynasty (1644-1911) Emperor Kao-tsu (r.206-1958B.C.) of the Han dynasty, was a native of Fang. Later he established his capital in Ch’ang-an. Because his father often thought of returning to his old home in the east, Kao-tsu renovated the architecture and streets of Ch’ang-an to resemble the old city of Feng. Further, he moved some of the people of Feng to the new capital to lend yet another note of authenticity. Consequently the renovated part of city was called New Feng. This painting ought to depict a vista of the streets renewed of Ch’ang-an. But since the scroll was painted at imperial request, the palace halls and other buildings are painted with overly ornate color. Court painters such as T’ang Tai, Sun Hu, Shen Yüan, Chou K’un and Ting Kuan-p’eng collaberated or the painting.