故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁133&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁293-294&* 時序進入十月,已到初冬時節,嚴寒的霜露把人們的活動從戶外感到室內來。於是賞玩卷軸名畫,鑑定古器彝鼎等活動,便成文人室內聚會的話題。另一間廂房內,有一位老畫師正替一位士人畫像﹔遠處的閣樓內婦女群聚玩樂,有彈奏樂器、縫製衣物,或對坐談天,將富豪人家生活情景描寫得寧靜安逸。&*Activities of the 12 Months: The 10th Month Anonymous Court Painters Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911) By the 10th lunar month, it is already early winter and the chill of cold weather forces activities indoors. Consequently, such activities as appreciating paintings and the connoisseurship of antiquities became the focus of gatherings by scholars, as seen in the building in the foreground of this work. In a neighboring building, an old painter is shown doing a portrait of a figure sitting in front of him. In the distant building, women and children gather together as ladies play instruments, sew clothing, or sit and rest. Thus, this work reflects the peaceful, refined life of a large home. The skill of the painters in all the paintings in this series reflects the precise yet decorative standards of Ch’ing dynasty court art. &* 清朝的院本十二月令圖,畫上並未簽署作者的姓名,但從筆墨的習慣來判斷,可能是唐岱丁觀鵬等幾位宮廷畫家合作的。畫的主題,在描繪一年十二個月中,民間生活情形。 十月,已進入了初冬,嚴霜把人們的活動從戶外驅入了室內。古器名畫,卷軸彝鼎,成為室內的雅玩。另外的一間屋子裡,卻畫著一個老畫師替人寫照;婦女們都在內院,他們鳴彈樂器,縫製衣物,對坐下棋,也生活的非常寧謐。 &*The Tenth Month (from the album Activities of the Twelve Months ) Anonymous court artists Ch’ing dynasty (1644-1911) This leaf is from a set of twelve by court artists which depict various activities appropriate to the twelve months of the year. The album is unsigned, but judging from the brushwork, it is possibly a cooperative effort by such court artists as T’ang Tai and Kuan-p’eng, active during the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The painting describes the lives and customs of ordinary people. The tenth month is already the beginning of winter according to the lunar calendar. Frost has driven activities indoors. The appreciation of antiquities and paintings is a form of refined indoor entertainment. In another room, an elderly artist is painting a portrait. In the inner courtyard, ladies are playing musical instruments, sewing, and playing chess. The artist has aptly described this tranquil way of life. &*1.國立故宮博物院編輯委員會,〈清畫院月令圖(十月)〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《界畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1986年初版),頁64。 2.吳文彬,〈十月休閒 — 十二月令圖中之十月景〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第57期(1987年12月),頁117-120。 3.陳韻如,〈時間的形狀 — 〈清院畫十二月令圖〉研究〉,《故宮學術季刊》,第二十二卷第四期(2005年夏),頁103-139。