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共找到 854 筆符合的資料
record, it is separated by two sections, the first half being a successive account of names and dat.....more
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in content, but also respectfully records related literature and congratulatory words. This record.....more
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when ropes were used to record events, cords have characterized the moral virtues of “ongoing.....more
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明仇英畫帝王道統萬年圖 冊 箕...
的九個圖形,堂室外侍從分站兩列,如戲劇舞臺,讓觀者清楚看到主角的活動。 &*The record of “Vast Models” in the Book of Documents relates.....more
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明仇英畫帝王道統萬年圖 冊 舜
飄動的衣服,呈現出舞蹈的動態,與台上端坐的人物形成對比。&* The record of “Statutes of Shun ” in the Book of Documents refers.....more
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明仇英畫帝王道統萬年圖 冊 良...
。&*The record “Fate of Yüeh” in the Book of Documents relates how the Shang King Wu-ting.....more
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明沈周畫韓愈畫記 卷
’s record at the end says, “A painting by Shen Shitian (Zhou) of Huaji by Han Wengong (Yu.....more
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元黃公望巖壑幽居圖 軸
-1368). Tao Zongyi’s Record in Leisure from Tilling also features a short account of this person’s.....more
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元人舊蹟 冊 張宇初書識語
;-ch´u(style name Tzu-jui) was a native of Kuang-hsin. According to a record in Genealogy.....more
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元趙孟頫書晝錦堂記 軸
-747). The title of this work is the Record of Ou-yang Hsiu's Chou-chin Studio in Hsiang-chou.....more
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明陸治蔡羽書畫合璧 冊 虎丘圖
, to accompany a poem by Ts’ai Yü seeing off Ch’en Ch’i-chih. Although it is a record of an event.....more
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明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 元夜
寒夜而極具匠心。 &A Record of Yearly Observances: Lantern Festival Wu Pin (active.....more
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