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共找到 854 筆符合的資料
未鑑定 (TAIM-H002497)
-H002497) 學名:No record 採集地點:竹東~觀霧 採集地點英文名:From Jhudong to Guanwu 採集地經度:121°5' 0" E 採集地緯度:24°'40' 0" N 採.....more
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未鑑定 (TAIM-H002498)
-H002498) 學名:No record 採集地點:竹東~觀霧 採集地點英文名:From Jhudong to Guanwu 採集地經度:121°5' 0" E 採集地緯度:24°'40' 0" N 採集.....more
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正題名:The Prebyterian Record...
《The Prebyterian Record》中的7篇文章,內容包含1931年臺灣神學院(North Taiwan Theological College)、1932年6月基隆教會、1932年7月淡水中學介紹.....more
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元人雜書 卷 康里?致彥中尺牘
excelled in standard, semi-cursive, and cursive scripts. Calligraphy histories record that his semi.....more
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歷代聖賢半身像 冊 陶淵明
Painting The eighth-century art historian Chang Yen-yüan noted in the first sentence of his Record.....more
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唐曲阜文宣王廟記 軸
, Jia Fang composed a record of the event and Kong’s reward, which was engraved in stone. The stele.....more
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隋陳叔毅修孔子廟碑 軸
of Jizhou composed a record in stone. Confucianism was venerated then; in 608 a 32nd-descendant.....more
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, was on a tour when he ascended the Lang-ya Terrace, Prime Minister Li Ssu composing a record in small.....more
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名畫集真 冊 五代李贊華射騎圖
century) in his Record of Observances in the Realm of Painting once said of Li Tsan-hua that "he.....more
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清張若澄畫葛洪山居圖 軸
in 1745 and was a skilled painter of plum blossoms and birds. The painting is a record of Chang’s.....more
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清王時翼畫岳陽大觀 軸
, animated features of Sung Hsü and Ts’ui Tzu-chung. In a passage from “The Record of the Yüeh.....more
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