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共找到 2290 筆符合的資料
清唐岱風雨歸舟圖 軸
waves. Whether by rendering sheets of spattering rain with a large brush in order to describe gracefully.....more
- 871/2290
清郎世寧畫海西知時草 軸
, Giuseppe Castiglione. At the age of 19, Castiglione entered the Jesuit order in Italy.....more
- 872/2290
清繡線佛像(九)普賢菩薩 軸
the Buddhist Law in order to bring joy and fulfillment to humanity. This old figure in the form of a lohan.....more
- 873/2290
明陸治畫仙圃長春 卷
of 64, during the prime of his career at Chih-hsing Mountain. In order of appearance from right.....more
- 874/2290
清郎世寧畫交阯果然 軸
. At the age of 19, Castiglione entered the Jesuit order in Italy as a novitiate, and his early.....more
- 875/2290
treats the same theme,The flowers and stones were added by Tsou I-kuei on the emperor’s order. &*清高宗名.....more
- 877/2290
清郎世寧萬壽長春 軸
the Jesuit order as a novitiate, and his early training also included painting and architectural.....more
- 878/2290
清惲壽平摹古 冊 山茶
as admonished by Confucians of the past. Pondering every tree and plant, each has its order.” It indicates.....more
- 879/2290
訂購UH-1H直昇機製造之第三至第六階段需用器材,並檢寄物資訂購單(Delivery Order)先後予空軍駐美貝爾廠聯絡人員、駐美採購服務團軍資組辦理,所需款項於美方貸款下列支;空軍總司令部後勤署函.....more
- 882/2290