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明董其昌雜書 冊 臨吳琚
. These leaves, which are copies of Wu Chü’s calligraphy, are in an album of miscellaneous works.....more
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of his own. Wu Dacheng (style name Qingqing, sobriquet Hengxuan), a native of Wuxian, was a Presented.....more
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卷名:美國國內稅收部函件United ...
關鍵詞:業務-經營管理 人名資訊:B.Wu、Bannong Wu、C.M.Chen、C.T.Ong、C.Y.Li、Chen Ting、Ching Wu、E Lien Chang、Fang Tien.....more
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明太祖坐像(七) 軸
. On Kuo Tzu-hsing’s death Chu Yuan-chang was proclaimed Duke of Wu, and later King of Wu. He.....more
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元人舊蹟 冊 張宇初書識語
the Han and was awarded the title “Wu-wei (Doing Nothing).” In 1386, the Hung-wu Emperor ordered Chang.....more
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清惲壽平仿古山水 冊 蕉夏坐讀
’ing Dynasty Yün shou-p’ing (sobriquets Nan-t’ien and Yün-shi wai-shih) was a native of Wu.....more
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清惲壽平摹古 冊 牡丹
Dynasty From Wu-chin in Kiangsu, Yün was the leading essayist and poet of the “Six Gentlemen.....more
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清丁觀鵬畫文殊像 軸
of the bodhisattva Mañjuśri at Mt. Wu-t’ai, his earthly abode. According to the artist’s.....more
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民國吳淑娟西湖圖 軸
、淡設色層層擦染,樹幹略施淡赭,筆墨可人,明淨雅秀。 本幅為林宗毅先生捐贈。 &*West Lake Wu Shu-chüan (1853-1930) Republican Period Wu.....more
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唐吳道子寶積賓伽羅佛像 軸
淺染法,時稱「吳裝」。開後世人物畫典則,被尊稱「百代畫聖」。此像即世所謂北方天王,為盛唐以後最受尊奉之佛像之一。&*Wu Tao-tzu came from Yang-ch'u. He.....more
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明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 ...
體拉長,衣紋線條流暢好像行雲流水一般,但卻似水波一樣的起伏,為這幅畫增添了不少變形的趣味。&*Kuan-yin Wu pin (fl. 1568-1627) Ming Dynasty Wu Pin.....more
- 6957/50000
Desmodium laxum DC. subsp. lep...
:350 M 標本採集者:Chih-Sheng Wu (吳志昇) 採集號:80 英文 中文 153157 .....more
- 6958/50000
Smilax vaginata Decne. 玉山菝...
), Tsui-Ya Liu (劉翠雅), Yuan-Ho Wu 採集號:1100 英文 中文 157844 .....more
- 6959/50000
Smilax lanceifolia Roxb. 臺灣...
:Kuang-Yuh Wang (王光玉), Hsuan-Wu Chen (陳玄武), Li-Ting Lin (林立婷) 採集號:1392 英文 中文 157899 .....more
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