

元唐棣霜浦歸漁圖 軸

元唐棣霜浦歸漁圖 軸

漁夫、船夫 松 耕織漁獵 溪澗、湍泉 寒林.枯樹 國立故宮博物院 石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁793 &故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁186-18.....more

明人畫普賢大士像 軸

明人畫普賢大士像 軸

î are attendant bodhisattvas to the Buddha. Serving as assistants on the left and right.....more

宋人維摩圖 軸

宋人維摩圖 軸

table, and his left hand is leisurely placed on his knee. He has a long beard and his upper garments.....more

元人法書 冊 張雨書聽泉亭絕句

元人法書 冊 張雨書聽泉亭絕句

, sobriquet Juqu waishi) was a native of Qiantang in Zhejiang. In his early years he left home and became.....more

歷朝畫幅集冊 冊 宋馬麟暗香疏影

歷朝畫幅集冊 冊 宋馬麟暗香疏...

proceed from left to right, the arrangement and turning of the forms delicate and elegant against.....more

宋人畫達摩像 軸

宋人畫達摩像 軸

, bodhidharma left the capital, crossed the Yangtze, and set out for the Kingdom of the Northern Wei.....more

清李世倬對松山圖 軸

清李世倬對松山圖 軸

their way up the incline. On the left is the artist's inscription. &*東嶽泰山為五嶽之首,別名「岱宗」,位於山東省泰安縣北,自古為皇帝.....more

宋錢選畫時苗留犢圖 卷

宋錢選畫時苗留犢圖 卷

cart. In his service of more than a year, the ox gave birth to a calf. When he left office, however.....more

清任預李墉山水 成扇

清任預李墉山水 成扇

with him. When Jen Hsiung died, all of his works were left to the painter Ni T’ien (1855-1919). Jen Yü.....more

清何紹基行書 軸

清何紹基行書 軸

. Ardently studying bronze and stele inscriptions, he also left behind a collection of writings.....more

清呂世宜隸書 軸

清呂世宜隸書 軸

. This work donated by Mr. Lin Tsung-i reads from top to bottom as usual, but from left to right.....more

明代帝后半身像(一) 冊 宣宗章皇帝

明代帝后半身像(一) 冊 宣宗...

is their temple name. In the 4th leaf here, the right side is a portrait of Xuanzong and the left his.....more

明代帝后半身像(一) 冊 孝恭章皇后

明代帝后半身像(一) 冊 孝恭...

is their temple name. In the 4th leaf here, the right side is a portrait of Xuanzong and the left his.....more

名繪集珍 冊  宋吳炳嘉禾草蟲

名繪集珍 冊  宋吳炳嘉禾草蟲

with exceptional detail and naturalism. Since the top and left margins of the work appear to end abruptly.....more

宋人集繪 冊 無款秋山古剎

宋人集繪 冊 無款秋山古剎

to one side that soar upwards. Terraced buildings are tucked below. In the lower left, a boat travels.....more
