故宮書畫錄(卷七),第四冊,頁53-59&*本套明代帝后半身像冊頁共計十開,內含自太祖朱元璋以至武宗朱厚照等八帝十后的半身肖像。上以楷體金書標明帝后廟號。本次選展第四開,右幅為宣宗半身肖像,左幅為其第二任皇后孝恭章皇后孫氏。宣德三年(西元一四二八年),宣宗以皇后無子多病為由,令元配恭讓皇后胡善祥上表辭位,退居長安宮修道,由宣宗賜號靜慈仙師,改立專寵六宮的孫貴妃為后。(20120407)&* These portraits are from the album “Bust Portraits of Ming Dynasty Emperors and Empresses (I),” which has 10 leaves. There are 8 emperors and 10 empresses (from Emperor Taizu [Zhu Yuanzhang], founder of the Ming, to Wuzong [Zhu Houzhao]). Inscribed in regular script using gold ink on each is their temple name. In the 4th leaf here, the right side is a portrait of Xuanzong and the left his second empress, Xiaogong (maiden surname Sun). In 1428, his first wife (Empress Gongrang [Hu Shanxiang]) was often ill and had not borne him a son, so Xuanzong ordered her to relinquish her title. She then retired to Chang’an Palace for religious pursuits and Xuanzong became Immortal Master Jingci. Concubine Sun, his favored palace lady, become empress.(20120407)