

藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋惠崇秋野盤雕

藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋惠崇秋野...

. The shape of the bamboo leaves and the brushwork are in the manner of “Bamboo, Rocks, and Turtledoves.....more

紈扇畫冊 冊 宋李安忠竹鳩

紈扇畫冊 冊 宋李安忠竹鳩

leaves were first outlined in black ink and then were filled in with color. The outlini.....more

清錢維城畫洋菊 軸

清錢維城畫洋菊 軸

as well as old and tender leaves curving back. Although having studied Chen Shu’s style, the simple.....more

明人畫扇(亨) 冊 明陸治凌波新妝

明人畫扇(亨) 冊 明陸治凌波...

in the outlining of petals and application of wash on leaves. The effect revealed is light and elegant.....more

清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平花卉

清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平花卉

with outlined washes, the colors revealing layered gradations. The leaves were rendered in the "boneless.....more

清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平虞美人

清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平虞美人

at various angles as they appear to gaze about. The leaves were done with cyanine blue and ink.....more

宋人畫新韶花鳥 軸

宋人畫新韶花鳥 軸

, chrysanthemum, and narcissus in full bloom surrounding a lake rock. Branches and leaves intersect.....more

名繪集珍 冊 宋李唐仙巖采藥

名繪集珍 冊 宋李唐仙巖采藥

into the woods to gather herbs. The dense branches and lush leaves, which contrast with the light sky.....more

明諸臣書畫扇面冊頁 冊 明文徵明蘭竹

明諸臣書畫扇面冊頁 冊 明文徵...

orchids growing on a slope. The calligraphic lines were freely executed to depict the orchid leaves.....more

清陳士倌聖帝明王善端錄(漢) 冊

清陳士倌聖帝明王善端錄(漢) ...

-一七五八)浙江海寧人,曾任山東巡撫。&*This album is composed of leaves of text and illustration on the virtuous.....more

清冷枚畫馬 冊

清冷枚畫馬 冊

leaves, four are exhibited here. Completed in 1718, the album depicts horses in various poses.....more

明人便面畫冊(一) 冊 明文伯仁青溪放棹

明人便面畫冊(一) 冊 明文伯...

refined, taking the comparatively dense forests of leaves in the Mi Style to make them more elegant.....more

清吳時寫杜牧詩意 軸

清吳時寫杜牧詩意 軸

maple leaves; A frost has already set on the autumn blossoms.” Wu Shih shows a scholar clasping his.....more

明唐寅西洲話舊圖 軸

明唐寅西洲話舊圖 軸

when he was in ill health. A careful examination of the wilted trees, twigs, and palm leaves.....more

集古名繪 冊 明李在圮上授書

集古名繪 冊 明李在圮上授書

strokes. The drapery lines are taut and fluid, and the leaves are simplified as light and dark dots.....more


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