石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1125&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁347&*故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁9-10&*款題:醉舞狂歌五十年,花中行樂月中眠。漫勞海內傳名字,誰信腰間沒酒錢。書本自慚稱學者,眾人疑道是神仙。些許作得功夫處,不損胸前一片天。與西州別幾三十年,偶而見過,因書鄙作并圖請教。病中殊無佳興,草草見意而已。友生唐寅。鈐印三:吳趨。南京解元。六如居士。 唐寅,明成化六年(1470)三月二日生於蘇州,是年干支紀年庚寅,生肖屬虎,是以取名「寅」,字「伯虎」,又字「子畏」。唐寅少年生活並不中規守矩,歷經父沒母喪妻亡妹殤,終於認真讀書,二十九歲(1497)得南京應天府鄉試第一名「解元」。越年赴北京會試,卻因為政爭牽連,被冤誤遭難,取消功名,廢黜為吏。因此歸回蘇州後,以畫為生,生活亦浪漫,往往玩世不恭,風月場所,於明嘉靖二年(1523)十二月二日去世,年五十四。唐寅於明代畫史上,以詩人之氣質,卻又有兼具南宋院派畫風,早歲從周臣學畫,又因文徵明曾是好友,蘇州文人圈中,又接受了沈周的影響。他於畫,山水、花鳥、人物,無所不能。 據畫上識語,此畫已是五十歲(1519)後作,於唐氏已是晚年作品,且是病中所作,氣力難免不足,此見於畫中枯樹細枝及棕葉,出現顫筆。畫中右下角,庭石在前,枯樹在後,一樹斜上,高擎上天,對面茅屋,又是巨石作鄰,茅屋中兩人,正面者,當是畫家本人,背對者是來訪者「西洲」,惜受贈人「西洲」為誰,尚不確定。布局以樹石矮屋,穿插掩映,頗具匠心,意境恬淡,興味彌永。(王耀庭)&*1.江兆申,〈唐寅西洲話舊 軸〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《吳派畫九十年展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1975年初版,1976年再版,1981年三版),頁306 - 307。 2.王耀庭,〈明唐寅西洲話舊〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第200期(1999年11月),頁54。 &* 唐寅(西元一四七○-一五二三年),蘇州人,字伯虎,又字子畏。性疏朗,狂逸不羈。秉賦靈異,詩、書、文章、繪畫無不一臻其妙。 此畫按識語當成於病中,細察枯樹短枝,及稯葉,皆有戰筆,蓋病中手顫不能自制也。布景惟有樹石矮屋,而參伍錯落,大有剪裁,題句云:「醉舞狂歌五十年。」是成畫之時,或在五十歲後,在唐已為老境矣,是以洗盡鉛華,漸歸平澹,而厥趣彌永。 &*“I have been dancing drunkenly and singing wildly for fifty years.” From this line of T’ang Yin’s inscription on the painting we learn that it was done when he was in his fifties. Furthermore, according to the poem inscribed on the painting by the artist himself, it was done when he was in ill health. A careful examination of the wilted trees, twigs, and palm leaves will reveal the tremulous quality of the brush lines, which was due to T’ang’s physical weakness. The simple composition consists only of a small hut and some trees and rocks. T’ang Yin’s painting style during this period of his life is characterized by a turning away from dazzling effects and by a pervading sense of reflective simplicity. T’ang Yin (whose style-names were Po-hu and Tzu-wei) was a native of Soochow, Kiangsu. Noted for his rather bohemian character, T’ang excelled in poetry, calligraphy, and writing as well as painting. &* 唐寅(西元一四七○-一五二三年),蘇州人,字伯虎,又字子畏。性疏朗,狂逸不羈。秉賦多才,詩、書、文章、繪畫無不臻其妙。 此畫按款識,當成於病中,細察枯樹短枝及棕櫚葉,皆有戰筆,蓋病中手顫不能自制也。布景惟有樹石矮屋,而參伍錯落,大有剪裁。題句云:「醉舞狂歌五十年。」是成畫之時,或在五十歲後,是以洗盡鉛華,漸歸平淡,而興味彌永。 (20120103)&* Tang Yin (style names Bohu, Ziwei), a native of Suzhou, was noted for his expansive and bohemian character. Of unusual talent, he excelled in poetry, calligraphy, and painting. According to the inscription here by the artist, it was done in ill health. Thus, careful examination of the wilted trees, twigs, and palm leaves reveals tremulous brush lines probably resulting from his weakness and inability to control his shaking. The simple composition features only a small hut and some scattered trees with rocks scattered about. A line from his poetry reads, “I have danced drunkenly and sung wildly for 50 years.” Thus, we learn it was done after he was 50. Also, Tang’s style at this time features turning away from opulence and moving to reflective simplicity.(20120103)