石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁534&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁28&* 此畫如同攝影機的特寫鏡頭,掌握到一瞬間鳥兒探荷的情景。鳥類翎毛原非陸治所長,由於陸治用功甚勤,因此不放棄自我段鍊的機會,也在花鳥畫中不斷地求進步。畫中鳥爪和羽毛稍欠自然,水草抽出的弧線和蓮蓬梗彎成的曲線特別醒目,而水鳥正巧停在蓮蓬梗上。觀者的目光會循著水鳥的眼神落在荷花上,體會到這一瞬間鳥兒探荷在畫面上成為永恆。&*This scene looks like it is viewed through the telephoto lens of a camera, capturing the instant when a bird looks at a lotus blossom. The subject of birds originally was not one in which Lu Chih specialized. However, through his effort and skill, he was able to take the opportunity to view such scenes and practice them in his painting continually. Although the details of the feathers and claws of the bird here are not quite accurate, the elegantly arching grasses, tilted lotus leaf, and “S”-shape of the lotus stem (all of which appear as if in a breeze) make this work particularly attractive as a backdrop for the bird in the middle. We are able to clearly follow the bird’s line of sight to the lotus blossom in a scene that has been captured for eternity here.&* 陸治(西元一四九六-一五七六年),江蘇吳縣人。字叔平,號包山子。為人孝悌好義,詩文書畫都很好,曾遊藝於祝允明、文徵明之門,畫風清雅,山水、花鳥頗具己意。 畫面的一角,一朵淡粉色的荷花嫣然綻放;花側,大片的荷葉曲莖斜伸,似若隨風翻起;左方,蓮篷孤然挺立,水鳥棲立梗上,彷彿正在欣賞眼前的美景。全幅逸筆草草,鉤瓣染葉,似不經意,流露出一股淡雅的趣味。 本幅為「明人畫扇-亨」冊第十一開。 &*Lu Chih, style name Shu-p’ing, sobriquet Pao-shan-tzu, was a native of Soochow, Kiangsu province. He was renown for his filial piety and righteousness, and he excelled at poetry, writing, calligraphy and painting. He studied with such artistic luminaries as Chu Yün-ming (1460-1526) and Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559). His painting style was clear and elegant, and his landscapes and birds and flower paintings occasionally reveal his own distinct features. In one corner of this fan is a captivating lotus painted in light colors. To one side is a large leaf which leans to one side as if moving with the wind. To the right, the cupule of the lotus stands upright, and a waterfowl perches on the stem as if appreciating the beautiful scene before him. The entire work seems to have been executed effortlessly in the outlining of petals and application of wash on leaves. The effect revealed is light and elegant in taste. &*1.王耀庭、張華芝,〈明陸治秋荷水鳥〉,收入王耀庭、張華芝編,《明陸治作品展覽圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1992年初版),頁80。