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共找到 70 筆符合的資料
清沈荃倣顏真卿告身帖 軸
處。 &*Shen Ch'üan was a native of Hua-t'ing (modern Shanghai). A chin-shih degree holder, he.....more
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清王鑑倣趙孟頫茂林蕭寺圖 軸
。自題:仿趙孟頫。此幅成於順治戊戌,作者六十一歲。 &* Wang Chien was the great-grandson of the scholar-artist Wang Shih-chen.....more
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清湯貽汾冰心僊品 卷
. Lin Tsung-i, was done in 1834 and depicts thatched huts by a lake. Done for the place where Mr. “Fu-t.....more
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清李世倬雜畫 冊 鍾馗
為「只見福來」的吉祥語。是以明、清畫家每畫鍾馗,多喜附以蝙蝠。 &* Li Shih-chuo (style name T’ien-chang and sobriquets Ku-chai, L.....more
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宋十二名家法書 冊 宋吳琚書識...
, it followed very closely that of Mi Fu (1051-1107). The artist-connoisseur Tung Ch'I-ch'ang(1555-1636.....more
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清董邦達畫谿山深雪圖 軸
墨染背景,留白成巨巖,而以細筆乾皴規律地分割紋理;刻畫枯枝草叢,細膩一如網脈。通幅表現靜態的裝飾美。 &* Tung Pang-ta (tzu Fu-ts’un, hao Tung-shan.....more
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明陳繼儒自書詩帖 軸
.” In calligraphy, Ch’en completely followed that of the Sung literati masters Su Shih and Mi Fu.....more
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清張照臨米芾重九會郡樓詩帖 軸
at first followed Tung Ch'i-ch'ang (1555-1636), but then turned to Yen Chen-ch'ing (709-785) and Mi Fu.....more
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清周凱青鐙課讀圖 軸
and 1836. He also recommended Lü Shih-i to come to Taiwan and teach art. This landscape with colors.....more
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明董其昌臨宋四大家書 卷
筆墨或有出入,然於四家之氣韻均能神會。其中臨米芾揚清歌反覆兩遍,卻筆筆不同,賦米書以雅淡之神韻。&*Tung Ch'i-ch'ang (1555-1636) was a native of Hua-t.....more
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清沈荃倣顏真卿告身帖 軸
處。&*Shen Ch'üan was a native of Hua-t'ing (modern Shanghai). A chin-shih degree holder, he went.....more
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元趙孟頫書蘇軾西湖詩 卷
with those of Su Shih (1036-1101) and Mi Fu (1051-1107) for an elegant style. This scroll transcribes Su.....more
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明董其昌雜書 冊 臨吳琚
國立故宮博物院 石渠寶笈初編(長春書屋),下冊,頁1173&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁120-121&*Tung Ch’i-ch’ang (1555-1636) was a native.....more
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宋四家法書 卷 宋黃庭堅致明叔...
; sobriquet Fu-weng) was a native of Fen-ning, Kiangsi. He received his chin-shih civil service.....more
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