故宮書畫錄(卷二),第一冊,頁20&*陳繼儒(西元一五五八-一六三九年),江蘇華亭人,字仲醇,一字眉公,號糜公。天賦多智,少有高才,詩文書畫皆所擅長,與同郡董其昌齊名。晚年隱居佘山,致力書畫著述,屢徵不仕,有「山中宰相」之名。 陳氏書法師蘇軾、米芾,全以意擬之,用筆駿快,意趣雄渾是其特色。本軸行草書七言律詩,錯落有致,流走秀美,字態搖曳多姿,筆劃線條多變,姸媚與樸茂並存。 &*Ch’en Chi-ju was a native of Hua-t’ing, Kiangsu. A great talent and child prodigy, he came to excel in poetry and prose, painting, and calligraphy, achieving fame equal to that of his countryman Tung Ch’i-ch’ang. In his late years he lived in reclusion at Mt. She, devoted to writing, painting, and calligraphy. Repeatedly seeking but never receiving office, he was known as “Minister in the Mountains.” In calligraphy, Ch’en completely followed that of the Sung literati masters Su Shih and Mi Fu. His brushwork galloped with force, being a quality of his style. In this 7-character regulated verse in semi-cursive script, the work is orderly and flows with elegant beauty. Characters sway as the strokes and lines reveal variations of beauty and simplicity combined.