

宋馬遠乘龍圖 軸

宋馬遠乘龍圖 軸

elements in one part of the picture, they were sometimes referred to as “One-corner Ma” or “Half-side.....more

五代後蜀丘文播文會圖 軸

五代後蜀丘文播文會圖 軸

board above increasingly became curved. The corner posts also became integrated.....more

明戴進春遊晚歸 軸

明戴進春遊晚歸 軸

late in the day. In the lower right corner is a wall surrounding a residence blocked from view.....more

明仇英秋江待渡 軸

明仇英秋江待渡 軸

, but there are three of his seals stamped on the painting, one in the bottom left corner and two on the right.....more

明陳汝言荊溪圖 軸

明陳汝言荊溪圖 軸

in the area said to date from the Chin dynasty. The compound in the lower left corner is most likely the Wang.....more

清傳綮寫生 冊 白梅

清傳綮寫生 冊 白梅

half of the composition. In the upper right corner is the artist's inscription, which suitably.....more

宋人戲貓圖 軸

宋人戲貓圖 軸

of various sizes playing in a corner of a garden enclosed by a painted fence. Richly brocaded screens.....more

唐李昭道洛陽樓圖 軸

唐李昭道洛陽樓圖 軸

in the upper right corner thus appears to be a later addition. Li, the son of the famed artist Li.....more

明人畫準提菩薩 軸

明人畫準提菩薩 軸

hold ritual objects. In each corner above, a heavenly deity approaches on clouds, while 2 dragon.....more

清王原祁仿黃公望山水 軸

清王原祁仿黃公望山水 軸

. In the lower corner, buildings concealed by trees top a hillock. The intermingling of light.....more

集古圖繪 冊 元倪瓚畫竹石

集古圖繪 冊 元倪瓚畫竹石

survives. Here he has rendered the corner of a landscape. On a bank is a large stone with old trees.....more

明文徵明蘭亭修禊圖 軸

明文徵明蘭亭修禊圖 軸

for Wen Cheng-ming’s time. In the upper right corner is the Orchid Pavilion Preface transcribed in small.....more

無款豐綏先兆圖 軸

無款豐綏先兆圖 軸

branch, is seized between his knees. A bat, the symbol of happiness, is flying in the upper corner.....more

明吳偉畫劉海蟾 軸

明吳偉畫劉海蟾 軸

on a rock. In the lower corner is the three-legged toad with which he is often associated. The toad.....more

明仇英春遊晚歸圖 軸

明仇英春遊晚歸圖 軸

. In a scene at dusk, a master and 4 servants return from a spring outing. The one-corner composition.....more
