秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁211&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁504&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁315-316&*這件畫軸以深藍色為底,畫起伏的波濤裡湧現一朵大蓮花,準提菩薩法相莊嚴,在蓮花上結跏趺坐。菩薩頭戴五葉寶冠,胸佩華麗的飾物,面有三眼,共有十八隻手,有的作手印,有的則拿器物。上方有兩位天神乘雲而來,下方有兩位龍王扶持蓮莖。左下角的出家人應該就是修持準提法門的比丘。全畫以金代墨,線條纖細流暢,衣服上的圖案描畫得一絲不苟,是一幅很好的明代佛教畫作。&*The base of this hanging scroll is rendered in dark blue. Depicted here is a large lotus blossom above the waves upon which Cundî, a form of Kuan-yin, solemnly sits cross-legged. The figure wears a five-pointed crown and jewelry draped across the torso. The face is distinguished by a third eye, and the figure includes 18 arms. Some of the hands form mudrâs (gestures), while most hold ritual objects. In each corner above, a heavenly deity approaches on clouds, while 2 dragon kings below support the lotus stem. The monk in the lower right provably is a Cundî practitioner. The work was done in gold ink with fine flowing lines. The drapery patterns are complete and detailed, making this a fine Buddhist painting of the Ming dynasty.&*準提為密教七觀音之一,又名七俱胝佛母,代表觀音崇高母性的一面。本幅形相,完全依據﹝七俱胝佛母所說准提陀羅尼經﹞的儀軌;觀音三目十八臂,身著輕縠,趺坐蓮華座上,手中分持劍、念珠、俱緣果、鉞斧、鉤、金鋼杵、寶鬘、如意寶幢、蓮花、澡瓶、絹索、輪、海螺、賢瓶、般若梵夾。上方是二位淨居天子,下方二龍王擎起蓮莖,一持誦僧,手持香爐,瞻仰觀音。 全幅青地描金鉤畫而成,用筆不滯,線條圓勁有力,脫盡匠氣,堪稱佳作。&*The school of esoteric Buddhism regards the Cundi Bodhisattva as one of the seven manifestations of Kuan-yin. She is also known as the fabulous mother of seven kotis of Buddhas and represents an extremely maternal side of Kuan-yin. The details of this painting adhere completely to descriptions given in the Cundîdevîdhâranî sûtra, Kuan-yin possesses three eyes and eighteen arms, wears a very light garment, and sits cross-legged on a lotus flower. She holds a sword, a rosary, and many other ritual implements of worship. Above her are two heavenly disciples, and below her are the two Dragon Kings supporting the stem of the lotus. Each of these sûtra-reciting monks holds a censer and looks up respectfully at Kuan-yin. Every detail of this painting is executed in gold outline on blue ground. The brushwork is unrestrained, giving the contours a vigorous effect. The painting is of high quality and represents a very fine religious work.&*準提菩薩梵名Cundi,是密教觀音之一。本幅以靛青為底,泥金畫波濤裡湧現一朵大蓮花,準提菩薩在蓮花上結跏趺坐。這尊菩薩紺髮披肩,頂戴五葉寶冠。三目十八臂,每隻手或作手印,或持各種器物,如寶劍、念珠、斧鉞、金剛杵、如意寶幢、蓮花、淨瓶、繩索、寶輪、法螺、佛經等。上方的祥雲上,站著兩位淨居天手捧供品。在蓮台下方,扶持蓮莖的是難陀和拔難陀兩位龍王。左下角的出家人則是修持準提法的比丘。本幅準提菩薩的圖像與金剛智(669-741)所譯《佛說七俱胝佛母准提大明陀羅尼經》〈七胝佛母准提畫像法〉的記載吻合,應是以該經為根據繪製而成。 全作線條勻整細勁,衣上花紋繪製精謹,就連蓮池中的水波也描畫得一絲不苟,是一件明代佛畫的佳作。這件準提菩薩的臉形略方,雙眉下垂,鼻秀嘴小,與北京法海寺的水月觀音(成於1443)相似,應是一件十五世紀的作品。(李玉珉)&*1.李玉珉,〈明人準提菩薩〉,收入李玉珉主編,《觀音特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2000年初版),頁192-194。