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清錢維城書並繪沈周詩意圖 卷
。&* Ch’ien Wei-ch’eng, a native of Kiangsu, was awarded the chuang-yüan degree in 1745 and went.....more
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畫范成大臘月村田樂府詩中的賣癡獃詞。蘇州風俗,小孩們惟恐自己癡獃,所以想把「癡獃」賣掉。因此在除夕守歲後,小孩們遊行街巷,喊賣著癡獃。 &*Illustration of Fan Ch’eng-ta.....more
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明人集繪 冊 清藍深仿李成南山...
」冊中,該冊之畫多作於是歲夏日,顯見係明末清初杭州一帶知名畫家應邀所作之集冊,惜冊中無收藏題記,難以得知畫作之背景。&*Imitating Li Ch’eng’s “Eternal Autumn.....more
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明人扇頭畫 冊 明周臣江帆山閣
Pavilions Chou Ch’en (ca. 1450-1535) Ming Dynasty Chou Ch’en (style name Shun-ch’ing; sobriquet.....more
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明仇英臨宋元六景 冊 松林村落
Spots after the Style of the Sung and Yüan Masters Ch'iu Ying (ca. 1494-1552) Ming Dynasty Ch.....more
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元人舊蹟 冊 張宇初書識語
;-ch´u(style name Tzu-jui) was a native of Kuang-hsin. According to a record in Genealogy.....more
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明人畫扇 冊 明李流芳秋林晚景
秋景 溪澗、湍泉 茅草屋 籬笆、圍牆 國立故宮博物院 石渠寶笈三編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁610-611&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁164&* 李流芳(西元一五七五-一六二九年),字茂宰,又字.....more
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清唐岱孫祜合倣李唐寒谷先春 軸
-after 1752) and Sun Hu (act. 1736-1795) Ch’ing Dynasty T’ang Tai (style name Yü-tung.....more
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清馬元馭花卉 冊 梅花山茶
üan-yü (1669-1722) Ch’ing Dynasty Ma Yüan-yü (tzu Fu-hsi, hao Ch’i-hsia and T’ien-y.....more
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明惲向仿巨然山水 軸
ün Hsiang was styled Pen-ch’u; his sobriquet was Hsiang-shan Weng. During the Ch’ung-chen reign.....more
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