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共找到 6330 筆符合的資料
清傳綮寫生 冊 芙蓉
known under his sobriquet Pa-ta shan-jen, Chu Ta was a scion of the Ming imperial house, but became.....more
- 2569/6330
元龔開鍾進士移居圖 卷
follower of the great T'ang painter, Ts'ao Pa (fl. 8th c.), but Kung's method of description was somewhat.....more
- 2570/6330
德格版:No. 1164 De-bshin-gegs-...
-po 中華電子佛典協會(CBETA) 德格版:No. 1164 De-bshin-gśegs-pa lṅa-pa bstod-pa 中文經題:五如來讚 梵文經題:Pa.....more
- 2576/6330
德格版:No. 2333 Rim-pa la bsdu...
怛特羅部 中華電子佛典協會 (CBETA) 函號:通帙第154Shi,原葉碼:276a7-278a7 佛典全文 譯經師:印度譯師:Naropa; 西藏譯師:Mar-pa.....more
- 2577/6330
滿文:nesuken horonggo fusa i h...
.org 滿文:nesuken horonggo fusa i hūturi fengšen i irgebun nomun 漢文:曼殊室利菩薩吉祥伽陀 藏文:'phags pa.....more
- 2578/6330
滿文:unenggi nomun i jondon be...
.org 滿文:unenggi nomun i jondon be kiceme tebure nomun 漢文:正法念處經 藏文:'phags pa dam pa'i chos dran pa nye.....more
- 2579/6330
滿文:unenggi nomun i jondon be...
.org 滿文:unenggi nomun i jondon be kiceme tebure nomun 漢文:正法念處經 藏文:'phags pa dam pa'i chos dran pa nye.....more
- 2580/6330