吳昌碩(西元一八四四-一九二七年)名俊,又名俊卿,原字倉石,後改字為昌碩,七十歲後以字行,浙江安吉人。別號缶廬、苦鐵、晚號大聾。二十二歲補試秀才,遂絕意進取。鑽研詩、書、篆刻。本幅主題為芍藥,畫家以探古為革新,並以金石書法入畫,蒼潤渾厚,顯得古意盎然,生機蒼勃。 本幅為朱銘源先生捐贈。 &* Wu Ch’ang-shih, a native of Chekiang province, became a civil service candidate at the age of 21 but did not pursue office. Rather, he focused on his studies of poetry, painting, calligraphy, and seal carving. Wu was famous along with Ch’i Pai-shih as “Ch’i of the North and Wu of the South” In the painting here, Wu has depicted peonies. In his paintings, he innovated upon ancient traditions and incorporated calligraphic techniques from ancient bronze and stone inscriptions to create a mature and solemn manner that is at once archaic yet fresh and lively in appearance. This work was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Chu Ming-yüan. &* 吳昌碩(西元一八四四-一九二七年),浙江安吉人。原名俊,後名俊卿。字昌碩,又字倉石,別號缶廬、苦鐵,又署破荷、老缶、大聾,七十歲後以字行。廿九歲從楊峴習詩文書法篆刻,五十歲始從趙之謙上溯揚州八怪以及石濤、八大、陳淳、徐渭,運以金石書法入畫。筆墨堅挺,氣魄厚重,色彩濃郁,結構突兀,一筆一畫,一枝一葉,無不精神飽滿,有金石氣。 本幅芍藥,紅花墨葉,畫葉脈如寫篆書,筆筆中鋒,融書法與繪畫為一體,渾然天成。 &* Wu Ch’ang-shih, originally known as Chün, and later as Chün-ch´in, was a native of An-chi, Chekiang province. His style names were Ch´ang-shih, Ts´ang-shih; his sobriquets were Tou-lu and K´u-t´ieh, and he also signed his works P´o-he, Laulu, and Ta-lung. After he was seventy he was more commonly known by his style name. When he was twenty-nine, Wu began learning poetry, writing, calligraphy, and seal carving from Yang Hsien (1819-1896). When he was fifty, he began tracing back painting styles from Chao Chih-ch´ien, the Eight Eccentrics of Yangchow, Shih-t´ao, and Pa-ta shan-jen of the Ch´ing dynasty, to Ch´en Ch´un and Hsu Wei of the late Ming. He employed this knowledge of their styles, and utilized his ability to write calligraphy in the style of ancient bronze and stele inscriptions to paint. His brushwork is solid and unyielding, and possesses a dignified spirit. His colors are deep and refined, and his composition is grand, with each stroke, line, and leaf imbued with a vigorous and energetic spirit. A red flower and black leaf are depicted in this painting; each vein of the leaf resembling careful strokes of the ancient seal script. Wu has fused calligraphy and painting skills to present a heavenly combination. &*吳昌碩(1844-1927)名俊,又名俊卿,原字倉石,後改字為昌碩,七十歲後以字行,浙江安吉人。別號缶廬、苦鐵、晚號大聾。二十二歲補試秀才,遂絕意進取。鑽研詩、書、篆刻。 本幅主題為芍藥,畫家以探古為革新,並以金石書法入畫,蒼潤渾厚,顯得古意盎然,生機蒼勃。 本幅為朱銘源先生捐贈於民國69年。(20110204)&* Wu Changshi, a native of Anji in Zhejiang province, had the names Jun and Junqing. He later adopted the style name Changshi, by which he was known after the age of seventy. He also had the sobriquets Foulu, Kutie, and later Dalong. At the Chinese age of 22, Wu became a civil service candidate at the level of Cultivated Talent (xiucai) but did not pursue office. Rather, he focused on his studies of poetry, painting, calligraphy, and seal carving. In the painting here Wu has depicted herbaceous peonies. Wu plumbed the depths of antiquity for inspiration, also incorporating calligraphic techniques from ancient bronze and stone inscriptions to create a mature and solemn manner at once archaic yet fresh and lively in appearance. Mr. Chu Ming-yüan donated this work to the National Palace Museum in 1980.(20110204)