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共找到 50000 筆符合的資料
卷名:雲南錫業公司函電Yunnan Co...
關鍵詞:會計財務-財務管理、業務-物資管理 人名資訊:G. Atkinson、H. L. Burch、H. P. Stewart、J. C. Willever、K. H. Ying、Newcomb.....more
- 19396/50000
中文節目名稱:NSO狂飆 日爾曼:1...
:April,1878,in Portschach, Blue Sky 主要作品名稱:狂飆日耳曼:1878年4月在貝加合 天氣晴 次要作品名稱:April,1878,in P�rtschach, Blue.....more
- 19398/50000
關鍵詞:人事-人才培訓、人事-人事調派、人事-薪俸津貼 人名資訊:A. C. Devanoy、C. Garfinkel、C. Y. Tu、E. C. Seepe、Joseph Savoretti、P.....more
- 19399/50000
卷名:孫時中信函Shih-chung Sung...
、John P. Ryan、K. G. Keatinge、W. A. Nielsen、劉師尚、劉心顯、時昭涵、歐陽藻、王樹嶟、陳良輔、黃光普 地名資訊:密爾瓦基(美國)、Hammond(美國.....more
- 19400/50000
, Shen Yüan, Chou K’un and Ting Kuan-p’eng collaberated or the painting. 本幅 203.8x96.4公分 全幅 125公.....more
- 19403/50000
宋人法書(一) 冊 宋歐陽脩致...
Su Tung-p'o (1036-1101) summed it up just right by saying, "[Ou-yang Hsiu] used a pointed brush.....more
- 19405/50000
名繪集珍 冊 宋賈師古巖關古寺
and the Influence of Li T'ang."Ars Orientalis, vol.10(1975),p.83. 註3:有關「都省書畫之印」「司印半印」,請參閱傅申,〈祕書監書畫收藏概述.....more
- 19406/50000
宋燕文貴奇峰萬木 冊頁
, (Geneva: Skira, 1960 ),p.40 。鳩田英誠,〈燕文貴之傳稱作品〉,《美術史》,101 號(1976),頁47。鈴木敬著,魏美月譯,〈試論李唐南渡後重入畫院及其畫風之演變(下)〉,《故.....more
- 19407/50000

明陸治彭澤高縱 冊頁
served as the magistrate of P’eng-tse (hence the title of this painting). For his integrity.....more
- 19408/50000
明人畫扇 冊 明文伯仁李愿歸盤...
to Li Yüan’s Return to P’an-ku”, a T’ang dynasty masterpiece extolling.....more
- 19409/50000
明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊
, was a native of P'u-t'ien, Fukien, but spent most of his life in Nanking. He became well-known for his paintin.....more
- 19410/50000