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共找到 3340 筆符合的資料
清唐岱倣范寬畫幅 軸
Tai (1673 to nid-18th c.) Ch’ing Dynasty T’ang Tai was a Manchurian who served in the Imperial.....more
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清唐岱沈源合筆豳風圖 軸
and Shen Yüan served as court painters in the Ch’ing during the 18th century. Pin was the name.....more
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明陸治蔡羽書畫合璧 冊 虎丘圖
of Soochow, Kiangsu province. His style name was Shu-p’ing; his sobriquet was Pao-shan-tzu. He was famous.....more
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宋代帝半身像 冊 宋神宗
”. It was remounted in 1748 during the Ch'ing dynasty, covered on four sides with yellow silk.....more
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清戴洪畫齡壽萬年 冊 綿雉老梅
Pheasants Tai Hung Ch’ing Dynasty The dates of Tai Hung’s life are not known, yet it is recorded that he.....more
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清郎世寧畫十駿圖赤花鷹 軸
states to the west for the Ch’ing court. Painted almost life-size, his use of Chinese techniques also.....more
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清郎世寧畫十駿圖紅玉座 軸
and horses. In the Ch’ien-lung reign, the Ch’ing court received a set of tribute steeds from western.....more
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清余省畫墨妙珠林 (子) 冊 穀...
貴之趣。 &* Yü Hsing (style name Tseng-san; sobriquet Lu-t’ing) was a native of Ch’ang-shu, Kiangsu.....more
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明文徵明書過庭復語十節 卷
. Another style name was Cheng-chung and he used T'ing-yun-sheng and Heng-shan chu-jen as his.....more
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清?殘山高水長圖 軸
of the “Four Great Monk Painters” of the early Ch’ing dynasty. Originally named Liu Chieh-ch’ju,he.....more
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清金廷標畫人物 冊 秋林牧笛
。他用筆生硬而有力,與當時的院手迥不相同,而也很受乾隆的欣賞。這幅畫畫著兩個牧童,分騎在兩頭牛上,一人吹笛,一人鼓掌。在林蔭溪邊,逍遙而自得其樂。&*Chin T’ing-piao.....more
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宋元名繪 冊 宋人溪陰浴牧
-1279) date and resemble that of Yen Tz'u-p'ing (fl. latter half of the 12th cent.). 本幅 22.5 X 23.5公.....more
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清焦秉貞畫仕女圖 冊 蓮舟晚泊
Boat Lands Ashore at Twilight Chiao Ping-chen (fl. 1689-1726) Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911) Four.....more
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