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共找到 16047 筆符合的資料
明唐寅倣唐人仕女 軸
, style name Po-hu, was a native of Soochow Kiangsu. He studied painting under Chou Ch’en but eventually.....more
- 6091/16047
明趙文俶畫春蠶食葉 軸
, was a native of Ch’ang-chou in Kiangsu. The daughter of Wen Ts’ung-chien (great grandson of Wen Cheng-ming.....more
- 6092/16047
明孫龍寫生 冊 柔桑戴勝
-chou, Kiangsu). During the Hsüan-te reign period (1426-1435), he entered the Inner Court, wh.....more
- 6094/16047
, Shen Yüan, Chou K’un and Ting Kuan-p’eng collaberated or the painting. 本幅 203.8x96.4公分 全幅 125公.....more
- 6095/16047
五代南唐顧閎中鍾馗出獵圖 卷
for these purposes. According to art historical records, artists of the tenth century, such as Chou.....more
- 6096/16047
宋四家真蹟 冊 宋黃庭堅致景道...
. In his early years, Huang studied the style of Chou Yueh (fl. ca. 1023-1048), but sought more ancient.....more
- 6097/16047
清石濤寫竹通景十二屏 軸
of the Ming imperial family, Chu prudently fled to a temple in Ch’üan-chou at the fall of the dynasty.....more
- 6098/16047
明人畫扇面 (乙) 冊 明人月下...
moved to Wu County. He studied painting with Chou Ch’en, and was skilled in imitating the works.....more
- 6099/16047
清金廷標鍾馗探梅 軸
(modern Hu-chou, Chekiang). His father Chin Hung was also a gifted painter and Chin T’ing-piao.....more
- 6100/16047
五代梁關仝畫關山行旅 軸
,溪面橋梁,茅屋野店,雜以雞太驢豕之屬,客旅往來,宛然真景。 &*Kuan T'ung was a native of Ch'ang-an, Shansi. An I-chou has.....more
- 6102/16047
宋錢選煙江待渡圖 卷
of Cha-ch'uan modern Hu-chou, Chekiang. He passed the chin-shih civil service examination.....more
- 6103/16047
五代南唐周文矩蘇李別意 卷
竭被執而降。武帝聞之,誅其家,遂不得歸漢。李陵聞武將返,特來相餞。但見朔風勁冷襲寒漠,隨從紛紛瑟縮,蘇李二人執手相握,泫然對泣,不勝哀戚。畫中人物表情生動,線條遒勁精細。&*Chou Wen-ch.....more
- 6104/16047