張岳軍先生王雪艇先生羅志希夫人捐贈書畫特展圖錄,頁10-17、223-224 &*元濟即石濤(西元一六四二-一七0八年),本名朱若極,明朝皇室後代。他是廣西桂林人,明亡後出家為僧,寓居安徽宣城、金陵、揚州等地。他善於山水、花卉、蘭竹。在筆法、用墨與構圖上,都不受傳統法則拘束,具有鮮明的個人風格。 這幅作於一六九三年,由十二幅連接成一通景,以虫松修竹、奇石芭蕉與蘭菊葵花等,構成象徵高人雅士的世界。 本幅為張群先生捐贈。 &* Yüan-chi, another name of Shih-t’ao, originally was known as Chu Jo-chi and descended from the Ming imperial clan. A native of Kweilin in Kwangsi, after the Ming fall he became a Buddhist monk and resided in Anhwei, Hsüan-ch’eng, Chin-ling, and Yangchow. He excelled at landscapes, flowers, and orchids and bamboo. In neither brushwork, use of ink, nor composition was he constrained by the rules of tradition-his style being fresh and personal. This work, donated by Mr. Chang Ch’ ün, was done in 1693 and consists of a continuous scene over 12 hanging scrolls. With twisting pine, slender bamboo, decorative rocks and plantain, and chrysanthemum and orchid as well as hollyhock, it is a realm symbolic of the lofty and elegant scholar.&*朱若極(西元一六四二-一七0七年),字石濤,號大滌子、清湘老人,苦瓜和尚等,入清後更名道濟、元濟。廣西桂林人,明靖江王朱贊儀弟十世孫,明亡後在全州投寺為僧,後遊歷安徽宣城,隱居金陵、揚州等地。善畫山水、花果、蘭竹,筆意縱恣,墨瀋淋漓,倡我用我法,脫盡前人窠臼。 本幅為張岳軍先生捐贈。水墨畫小溪曲折,岸邊虯松修竹,奇石芭蕉,間以蘭菊芙蓉,為十二相接之通景,作於康熙三十二年(一六九三),五十二歲。 &* Chu Jo-chi, also known as Tao-chi or Shih-t’ao, was a native of Kueilin, Kuangsi. A scion of the Ming imperial family, Chu prudently fled to a temple in Ch’üan-chou at the fall of the dynasty and for most of his life was a Buddhist monk. He resided for some years in Hsüan-ch’eng (in Anhwei), Chin-ling (modern Nanking), Yangchow, and various other places. He excelled at painting landscapes, flowers and fruit, and orchids and bamboo. Noted for his unrestrained brushwork and rich, fluid ink tones, Chu adhered to his own artistic canons and rejected established stereotypes. Twelve hanging scrolls in monochrome ink depict the flora of the shores of a winding stream. This set of paintings reveals unusual rocks, dragon-like pines, slender bamboo, and plantain trees interspersed with blossoming orchids, chrysanthemums, and rose mallows. This work completed in 1693, when the artist was almost fifty-two years old. This painting was donated by Mr. Chang Yüeh-chün. &*1.〈清石濤寫竹通景十二屏〉,收入劉芳如主編,《書畫裝池之美》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2008年初版一刷),頁70。 2.王競雄,〈寫竹通景十二幅〉,收入林柏亭主編,《國寶菁華 — 書畫•圖書文獻篇》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2006年12月),頁213。