

TK_001_0020, Yeshi Tapkay on Jay-dzun-bas The Interpretable Meaning and the Definitive Meaning 傑尊巴(至尊法幢)之了不了義

TK_001_0020, Yeshi Tapkay on J...

rnam 'byedkyi spyi don rgol ngan tshar gcod rin po che'i phreng ba Sect:dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/Gelukpa/格.....more

YT_004_0004, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0004, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

of Tantra Sets (rgyud sde spyi'i rnam par gzhag pa rgyud sde rin po che'i mdzes rgyan, Collected.....more

YT_004_0002, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0002, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

of Tantra Sets (rgyud sde spyi'i rnam par gzhag pa rgyud sde rin po che'i mdzes rgyan, Collected.....more

YT_004_0003, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0003, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

of Tantra Sets (rgyud sde spyi'i rnam par gzhag pa rgyud sde rin po che'i mdzes rgyan, Collected.....more

YT_004_0001, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0001, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

of Tantra Sets (rgyud sde spyi'i rnam par gzhag pa rgyud sde rin po che'i mdzes rgyan, Collected.....more

YT_004_0005, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0005, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

of Tantra Sets (rgyud sde spyi'i rnam par gzhag pa rgyud sde rin po che'i mdzes rgyan, Collected.....more

YT_004_0006, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0006, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

of Tantra Sets (rgyud sde spyi'i rnam par gzhag pa rgyud sde rin po che'i mdzes rgyan, Collected.....more

YT_004_0008, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0008, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

of Tantra Sets (rgyud sde spyi'i rnam par gzhag pa rgyud sde rin po che'i mdzes rgyan, Collected.....more

YT_004_0007, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0007, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

of Tantra Sets (rgyud sde spyi'i rnam par gzhag pa rgyud sde rin po che'i mdzes rgyan, Collected.....more

民國臺靜農臨漢簡 軸

民國臺靜農臨漢簡 軸

and late sobriquet Ching-che) was a native of Huo-ch’iu, Anhwei province. He was an important scholar.....more

明周臣甯戚飯牛圖 軸

明周臣甯戚飯牛圖 軸

of the trees and rocks are similar to those of the Che School style. In the works of T'ang Yin.....more

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋陸游致仲躬侍郎尺牘

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋陸游致仲...

and autumn of 1181, the Che-tung region experienced devastating floods, leading to serious damage.....more



澎湖 褒歌 數位化執行單位:國立澎湖科技大學 觀光休閒系 採集時間:1995-08-04 講述者:薛楊腰 新簽起價 採集地點:西嶼鄉赤馬村 歌詞:一、新 簽 起 價, 歌詞:sin1-7 chuam.....more

明戴進風雨歸舟 軸

明戴進風雨歸舟 軸

of an unbridled nature, firmly setting the foundation for the Che School and later followers. &*廣闊水面漫天風雨斜掃群峰,林.....more

明杜瓊南湖草堂圖 軸

明杜瓊南湖草堂圖 軸

in the collections of Hsiang Yüan-pien and Sun Ch’eng-che. &*杜瓊(西元一三九六-一四七四年),字用嘉,號鹿冠道人,世稱東原先生,江蘇吳縣人。明經.....more
