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披薰集古 冊 明陳淳畫牡丹
are all characterized by refinement and technical virtuosity. Wang was from Ch’ang-chou in Kiangsu.....more
- 1371/6047
唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 桃花雙蝶...
, he accompanied the emperor Chao-tsung (r.888-904) to Ch'eng-tu, Szechwan. He was noted for his.....more
- 1372/6047
者(identifier):林沛立(P. L. Lin) 中文俗名:皂魚(ch?-hi) 中文學名:六線黑鱸 學名:Grammistes sexlineatus original_science.....more
- 1373/6047
清黃鉞繪節卉迎薰 軸
., tzu Tso-t’ien, Tso-chün) was a native of Huang-tu, Anhui. He received the chin-shih in 1791 A. D.....more
- 1376/6047
者英文 著者 姓名:Ch'en Hung-shou 著者 朝代:Yüan Dynasty 張深之先生正北西廂秘本 國立故宮博物院善本古籍資料庫 http://npmhost.npm.gov.tw.....more
- 1379/6047