故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁123&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁221-222&*冷枚,字吉臣,山東膠州人。康熙年間供奉內廷,作品見於康熙四十二年至五十六年間(西元一七0三–一七一七)。善人物、寫眞。 冷氏畫法師焦秉貞,故常兼用透視法,及凹凸陰影法。設色則鮮明艷麗,筆墨工整。 &* Leng Mei was a native of Chao-chou, Shantung. His style name was Chi-ch’en. Skilled at painting figures and scenes from life, he served at the court of Emperor K’ang-hsi from 1703 until 1717. Leng Mei followed the painting style of Chiao Ping-chen, a painter who adopted western methods of linear perspective and highlight and shadow. Leng Mei’s works also show a strong sense of coloration and precise brushwork.