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舊畫扇面 冊 明陸治花卉
of Soochow, Kiangsu province. His style name was Shu-p’ing; his sobriquet was Pao-shan-tzu. He was famous.....more
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明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明陸治...
of Soochow, Kiangsu province. His style name was Shu-p’ing; his sobriquet was Pao-shan-tzu. He was famous.....more
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明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 ...
. 1591-1626) Ming Dynasty Wu Pin, style name Wen-chung, sobriquet Chih-hsien, was a native of P'u-t'ien.....more
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明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 ...
。 &*Bodidharma Wu Pin (active 1573-1619) Ming dynasty Wu Pin was a native of P'u-t'ien, Fukien. Residing.....more
- 18709/50000
明沈周倣倪瓚筆意 軸
üeh. The calligraphy in the inscription is in the style of Su Tung-p’o and resembles the hand.....more
- 18710/50000
明丁雲鵬畫釋迦牟尼佛 軸
法學北宋李公麟,用筆勾勒,線細如髮絲,而眉睫間,尚能意態畢具。 本幅畫釋迦牟尼坐樹下,容貌端靜,宛若入定。通幅全用墨筆勾染,不著顏色。予人有真幻兩忘,神入華嚴淨土之感。 &*Ting Yun-p.....more
- 18712/50000
清高其佩廬山瀑布圖 軸
布,經常為詩人與畫家歌詠的主題。本幅畫瀑布懸空直下,人物衣衫迎風飛揚,各有表情,用指頭畫成,而筆蹤墨痕,不露形跡,極富生機情趣。&*Kao Ch’i-p’ei is probably best.....more
- 18713/50000
明人畫扇(亨) 冊 明陸治寫支...
, style name Shu-p’ing, sobriquet Pao-shan-tzu, was a native of Soochow, Kiangsu province. He excelled.....more
- 18714/50000
明張宏應真觀梅圖 軸
and pleasures. This is a depiction of Su Tung-p’o’s statement: “Aren’t the mountain colors the clean.....more
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清蔣廷錫畫楊梅練雀 軸
) style, he followed the style of Yün Shou-p’ing (1633-1690). In this painting is a mountain gorge.....more
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清戴天瑞秋山落照 軸
; sobriquet P’en-yüan) was a native of Ch’ang-chou, Kiangsu. Even though his birth and death dates.....more
- 18717/50000
明居節仿唐寅雁宕山圖 卷
”) Mountains stretch across Le-ch’ing and P’ing-yang counties, Chekiang. The steep mountains have luxuriant.....more
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清錢維城畫江閣遠帆 軸
-ch’eng, style name Tsung-p’an and sobriquets Ch’a-shan and Chia-hsüan, was a native of Wu-chin.....more
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