石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁1960&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁37&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十七冊,頁163-168&*白描畫陶淵明事蹟。陶淵明(西元三六五—四二七年),晉宋時期詩人、辭賦家、散文家。一名潛,字元亮。曾為州祭酒,後為彭澤令。因不能「為五斗米折腰」,棄官歸隱,躬耕自給,以詩酒自娛。晚年貧病交攻,卒後世稱靖節先生。其詩自然樸素,其人名行高潔,為文士的象徵。其嗜酒、賞菊等情狀,向為後世畫家所喜繪。卷末款趙孟頫,是元代文人畫壇領袖。本卷就筆墨來看,不類趙氏風格。&*This monochrome ink work depicts the famous poet T'ao Yüan-ming (365-427). Once serving as a ceremonial official and later as magistrate of P'eng, he refused to "stoop for five pecks of rice". Giving up office and returning to reclusion, he farmed for his own needs and enjoyed himself in poetry and wine. In later years, he suffered from poverty and sickness, and after death was known as "Mr. Peaceful Integrity". His simple and natural poems as well as pure and lofty character made him a model for later scholars. His love of chrysanthemums and wine was also a favorite subject of later painters. A Chao Meng-fu signature appears at the end here. Chao was a leading and influential literati artist, but the style here is different from Chao's.