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共找到 97 筆符合的資料
清潘是稷墨妙珠林 (亥) 冊
Kinds of Poetry by Sikong Tu of the Tang dynasty discuss poetic modes. In it, the artistic style.....more
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清?殘山高水長圖 軸
. This painting depicts the T’ien-tu peak of the Huang Mountains. The peak soars.....more
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五代後蜀黃筌竹林鵓鴿圖 軸
Ch'eng-tu in Szechwan. At age 16, he was appointed to serve in the Academy of Painting in Szechwan.....more
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五代後蜀黃筌長春竹雀 軸
。 &*Huang Ch'üan (style name Yao-shu) came from Ch'eng-tu in Szechuan. He was already an excellent.....more
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元薩都剌嚴陵釣臺圖 軸
作品不多見。 此幅蓋寫富春江嚴陵釣魚臺,巉磯雜亂,巨松偃仰,屋宇次列於石後,檣影互出於傍岸,危巖聳立,盤道直上,釣台在望。下眺橫江澄碧,孤舟輕蕩,一派江山勝景,發人遐思。&*Sa-tu-la.....more
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唐閻立本十八學士于志寧書讚 卷
, including Tu Ju-hui, Fang Hsüan-ling and Yü Chih-ning. Yen Li-pen was ordered to paint.....more
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墨林拔萃 冊 唐韋偃雙騎圖
and required much time to complete. Actually small but seemingly monumental, Tu Fu wrote several poems.....more
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明郭詡東山攜妓圖 軸
belonged to a convivial group of artists that included Wu Wei, Tu Chin and Shen Chou. In the Hung-chih.....more
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