搜尋:sung 在 繪畫 分類當中


元趙孟頫書畫孝經 卷

元趙孟頫書畫孝經 卷

and flowing, and enlivens the depicted characters. A scion of the Sung imperial family, Chao Meng-fu.....more

元龔開鍾進士移居圖 卷

元龔開鍾進士移居圖 卷

name Sheng-yu and sobriquet Ts'ui-ten) was a native of Huai-yin, Kiangsu. At the end of the Sung.....more

元人法書 冊 倪瓚書詩五則

元人法書 冊 倪瓚書詩五則

-420) and Sung (960-1279) period calligraphers. In the history of calligraphy, Ni Tsan's style.....more

明陸治山水 卷

明陸治山水 卷

and encouraged him to look back to the styles of Sung and Yuan artists. Since Lu had already studied.....more

宋人法書(一) 冊 宋趙抃致知郡公明大夫尺牘

宋人法書(一) 冊 宋趙抃致知...

not follow contemporary fashions. This work is the tenth leaf from the album sung-jen fa-shu I.....more

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋朱敦儒書尺牘

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋朱敦儒書...

of cursive script. This is the fourteenth leaf in the album Sung-jen fa-shu III.&*朱敦儒(1081-1159),字希真,號.....more

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋范成大書尺牘

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋范成大書...

. This is the nineteenth leaf from the album Sung-jen fa-shu III. &*范成大(西元一一二六-一一九三年),字致能,號石湖居士,吳縣人。紹興二十四年.....more

藝林集玉 冊 無款秋溪待渡圖

藝林集玉 冊 無款秋溪待渡圖

indicate a Northern Sung (960-1126) style.&*右側繪雙松聳峙坡岸,松下挑擔二人等待渡江。松樹掩映中景,則是一處大型院落,院落門徑隱藏在山石之後,兩人騎驢與侍僕數人.....more

名繪集珍 冊 宋夏圭觀瀑圖

名繪集珍 冊 宋夏圭觀瀑圖

of Ch’ien-t’ang (modern Hang chow) in Chekiang province. During the reign of the Southern Sung emperor.....more

名賢妙蹟 冊 宋馬遠倚雲仙杏

名賢妙蹟 冊 宋馬遠倚雲仙杏

as painter-in-attendance in the Painting Academy during the reigns of Southern Sung emperors Kuang-tsung (r.....more

集古圖繪 冊 明陳惟允詩意圖

集古圖繪 冊 明陳惟允詩意圖

, a Sung dynasty painter, to illustrate Meng Chiao’s poem “A Wanderer’s Chant.” A sense of archaism.....more

明人扇頭畫 冊 明陸治水墨山水

明人扇頭畫 冊 明陸治水墨山水

, Lu studied the brushwork of Sung and Yüan artists, which was key to Lu developing his own.....more

宋米芾尺牘 卷

宋米芾尺牘 卷

with Ts'ai Hsiang, Su Shih, and Huang T'ing-chien as one of the Four Masters of the Northern Sung.....more

唐吳彩鸞書唐韻 冊

唐吳彩鸞書唐韻 冊

’ang rhymes once in the Hsüan-ho court collection of the Sung emperor Hui-tsung (r. 1100-1125.....more

元明人詞翰 卷 王逢書五言古詩

元明人詞翰 卷 王逢書五言古詩

. Late in life, in order to avoid disturbances in the area, he moved to Ch'ing-lung-chiang in Sung.....more


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