搜尋:rocks 在 繪畫 分類當中


明人扇頭畫 冊 明孫克弘梅竹

明人扇頭畫 冊 明孫克弘梅竹

Ch’ang for bird and flower paintings, Wen T’ung for inkbamboo and rocks, Cheng Suo-nan for orchids.....more

清郎世寧畫青羊 軸

清郎世寧畫青羊 軸

command of the brush. The style of the mountains and rocks also represents that current among court.....more

宋人松亭撫琴 軸

宋人松亭撫琴 軸

landscape, and in the rocks and mountains only the contour lines are visible. There are very few.....more

鳥譜(四) 冊 藍靛頦

鳥譜(四) 冊 藍靛頦

in monochrome ink and filled in with washes. Here, the ink captures the form of the rocks with a minimum.....more

明徐渭寫生冊 冊

明徐渭寫生冊 冊

developing many refined subjects, such as landscapes, figures, flowers-and-insects, and bamboo-and-rocks.....more

元黃公望谿亭山色 軸

元黃公望谿亭山色 軸

as trees with few branches appear among them. Many alum-head rocks appear at the top of the mountains.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋廉孚秋山煙靄

集古名繪 冊 宋廉孚秋山煙靄

. This painting depicts trees and craggy rocks with smoky clouds drifting among the autumn scenery.....more

明陸治龍淵圖 卷

明陸治龍淵圖 卷

was completed by Lu Chih in 1563 at the age of 67. The tonality of the mountains and rocks here.....more

明仇英臨宋元六景 冊 竹籬壓雪

明仇英臨宋元六景 冊 竹籬壓雪

. A thatched cottage, jagged rocks, mountains and trees covered in deep snow make up the rest.....more

明邵彌畫山水人物 冊 溪岸竹樹

明邵彌畫山水人物 冊 溪岸竹樹

depictions of narcissus, orchids, and rocks. He was influenced by the early tenth-century painters Ching Hao.....more

元趙孟頫湯王徵尹圖 軸

元趙孟頫湯王徵尹圖 軸

signature of Chao Meng-fu, but the fine and colorful rendering of the figures, trees, and rocks as well.....more

清惲壽平仿古山水 冊 蕉夏坐讀

清惲壽平仿古山水 冊 蕉夏坐讀

a wooded garden with strange rocks, plantain and wu-t’ung trees, and man reading as he sits in the open.....more

明人畫岩壑清暉 冊 明人梅園讀書

明人畫岩壑清暉 冊 明人梅園讀...

tray. The rocks in the foreground of this succinctly arranged composition have been meticulously.....more

宋元明集繪 冊 元黃公望野彴吟節

宋元明集繪 冊 元黃公望野彴吟...

. The regulated partings of the rocks are also slightly stiff. The composition and motifs of this painting.....more

清唐岱倣范寬畫幅 軸

清唐岱倣范寬畫幅 軸

of the clusters of trees on the mountaintops, the texture strokes for the rocks and slopes.....more


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