搜尋:Were 在 繪畫 分類當中


元黃公望天池石壁圖 軸

元黃公望天池石壁圖 軸

was Tzu-chiu; his sobriquets were Idiotic Taoist and, in his later years, West-of-the-water.....more

清沈顥畫懸崖垂瀑 軸

清沈顥畫懸崖垂瀑 軸

”. He was known to be still around in 1661. Very few of his paintings were collected by the emperors.....more

宋崔白蘆雁 軸

宋崔白蘆雁 軸

and dark ink and then filled in with ink washes; umber and indigo were finally added to bring out.....more

清惲壽平王翬花卉山水合冊 冊 牡丹

清惲壽平王翬花卉山水合冊 冊 ...

sobriquets were Nan-t’ien, Yun-his-wai-shih, and Tung-yuan-ts’ao-yi. 本幅 28.5x43.....more

元人舊蹟 冊 朱德潤致吳季實教諭尺牘

元人舊蹟 冊 朱德潤致吳季實教...

painting, that of Kuo Hsi. His painting and calligraphy were beautifully elegant, much in the manner.....more

墨林拔萃 冊 五代戴嶧逸牛圖

墨林拔萃 冊 五代戴嶧逸牛圖

令之收藏過的。 &*Tai I was the younger brother of Tai Sung; both were famous for their paintings of water.....more

名繪集珍 冊 唐閻立德問道圖

名繪集珍 冊 唐閻立德問道圖

. He and his younger brother, Yen Li-pen, were called the "Two Yens" and received equal praise.....more

清鄒一桂畫芙蓉 軸

清鄒一桂畫芙蓉 軸

. Outlining the flowers and washing the leaves with ink, the petals were touched with rouge to give.....more

元趙孟頫書急就章 冊

元趙孟頫書急就章 冊

。&*These album leaves were originally signed as by Chao Meng-fu. This work, actually a late one by Yu.....more

明項聖謨三祝圖 軸

明項聖謨三祝圖 軸

representations of flowers, bamboo and rocks were also excellent. This painting depicts three elegant.....more

清王雲畫山水 軸

清王雲畫山水 軸

adorn the landscape. The trees were painted with particular care and each leaf is meticulously.....more

清蔣廷錫墨牡丹 軸

清蔣廷錫墨牡丹 軸

executed and done only occasionally. His works were treasures of the Forbidden City, so few examples.....more

清鄒一桂?宋苑畫榴下雄雞圖 軸

清鄒一桂?宋苑畫榴下雄雞圖 軸

works were commissioned, they tended to be formal and to rarely manifest a free and spontaneous touch.....more

清余省花卉 軸

清余省花卉 軸

ü Chih, were also talented painters. During the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1797), Yü Sheng.....more

清諸升雪景竹石真跡 軸

清諸升雪景竹石真跡 軸

were especially beautiful. He studied the bamboo style of the late Ming dynasty painter Lu Te-chi.....more


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