搜尋:Were 在 繪畫 分類當中


清蔣廷錫畫歲朝圖 軸

清蔣廷錫畫歲朝圖 軸

奇石 年節 柿 花器 牡丹 靈芝 水仙 國立故宮博物院 故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁99&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁43-44&*  蔣廷錫(西元一六六九-一七三二年),江蘇常熟人。字揚孫,號酉.....more

宋錢選畫時苗留犢圖 卷

宋錢選畫時苗留犢圖 卷

, flower-and-bird, and landscape. At the beginning of the Yuan dynasty there were eight men in Wu-hsing.....more

明諸臣書畫扇面冊頁 冊 明文徵明蘭竹

明諸臣書畫扇面冊頁 冊 明文徵...

orchids growing on a slope. The calligraphic lines were freely executed to depict the orchid leaves.....more

明文徵明自書七言律詩 卷

明文徵明自書七言律詩 卷

and prose, calligraphy, and painting, and many of his surviving works of calligraphy were in semi.....more

清沈荃臨顏真卿爭坐帖 卷

清沈荃臨顏真卿爭坐帖 卷

and calligraphy, Shen’s scholarship and deeds were also pure. Shen at first studied the calligraphy of Dong.....more

清陳書雜畫 冊 吉祥花

清陳書雜畫 冊 吉祥花

dynasty Ch’en Shu, a woman painter, was a native of Hsiu-shui, Chekiang. Her sobriquets were Shang-yü.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋牟仲甫松芝群鹿

宋元集繪 冊 宋牟仲甫松芝群鹿

of gibbons, monkeys, and deer were similar in style to those of I Yüan-chi, and he was especially.....more

清周亮工集名家山水 冊 清龔賢谿山疏樹

清周亮工集名家山水 冊 清龔賢...

of K’un-shan in Kiangsi, spent most of his life in Chin-ling (modern Nanking). His style names were.....more

名人畫扇(下) 冊 清上睿山水

名人畫扇(下) 冊 清上睿山水

Shang-jui was a native of Suchou in Kiangsu province. His style name was Hsun-jui and sobriquets were.....more

清緙絲仙姝獻瑞圖 軸

清緙絲仙姝獻瑞圖 軸

figures were done faultlessly. The weaving and colors here are similar to those of “Immortals Paying.....more

清任預李墉山水 成扇

清任預李墉山水 成扇

with him. When Jen Hsiung died, all of his works were left to the painter Ni T’ien (1855-1919). Jen Yü.....more

民國譚澤闓行書七言聯 軸

民國譚澤闓行書七言聯 軸

。(20110103)&* In the early Republican era were many calligraphers following the “Yan Style.....more

宋馬和之柳溪春舫圖 軸

宋馬和之柳溪春舫圖 軸

figures were quite marvelous, learning from Wu Daoxuan’s style to create his “leech strokes.....more

文氏畫扇集冊 冊 明文徵明墨蘭竹石

文氏畫扇集冊 冊 明文徵明墨蘭...

sobriquet was Cheng-chung. His style names were T’ing-yün-sheng and Heng-shan chü-shih. He.....more

清劉德六花卉十二員 冊

清劉德六花卉十二員 冊

of animals and insects were quite realistic and lively. This album of 12 leaves focuses mainly.....more


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