搜尋:UP 在 繪畫 分類當中


明項聖謨後招隱圖 卷

明項聖謨後招隱圖 卷

was the grandson of the great connoisseur Hsiang Yüan-pien. Growing up around a collection of painting.....more

清王翬層巒曉色圖 卷

清王翬層巒曉色圖 卷

Study on the Meaning of the Classics comprises 300 chapters. A bibliography summing up texts.....more

明武宗畫哈叭驚蟬圖 軸

明武宗畫哈叭驚蟬圖 軸

of its flight seem to have startled a passing Pekingese, which turns its head in mid-step and looks up.....more

明文徵明草書七言詩 軸

明文徵明草書七言詩 軸

hometown, and took up the life of a literatus. Living to the age of eighty-nine, he excelled as a poet.....more

明宣宗壺中富貴圖 軸

明宣宗壺中富貴圖 軸

of the painting is a furry cat gazing curiously up at the flowers. In Chinese.....more

明王紱墨筆山水 軸

明王紱墨筆山水 軸

School. The landscape opens up to a deep vista of mountains behind the cluster of trees and rocks.....more

明宋懋晉碧梧降暑 軸

明宋懋晉碧梧降暑 軸

of Sungkiang. As a youth, he was interested in painting and , as a result, gave up his career in order.....more

名繪集珍 冊 五代周文矩按樂圖

名繪集珍 冊 五代周文矩按樂圖

. In this garden setting, an enclosure has been set up supported by long poles, the ends of which have projecting.....more

藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋魯宗貴蜀葵引蝶

藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋魯宗貴蜀...

of the composition, like that in a close up. The petal outlines were first done in ink and washes.....more

宋人集繪 冊 無款寒山行旅

宋人集繪 冊 無款寒山行旅

and rocks, piling up like curling clouds, have been described with a swift, vigorous brush.....more

集古圖繪 冊 元黃公望山水

集古圖繪 冊 元黃公望山水

by trees with a solitary peak rising behind it, taking up a quarter of the composition with distant.....more

元人雜書 卷 袁桷呈承旨大參相公尺牘

元人雜書 卷 袁桷呈承旨大參相...

, and the characters seem to slant up to the right. The style of this work seems to demonstrate.....more

明沈周倣倪瓚筆意 軸

明沈周倣倪瓚筆意 軸

but not often for painting, and Shen Chou probably picked it up at random when in the mood to paint.....more

元趙孟頫醉菊圖 卷

元趙孟頫醉菊圖 卷

'eng, he refused to "stoop for five pecks of rice". Giving up office and returning to reclusion, he.....more

清王原祁?浮遠岫圖 軸

清王原祁?浮遠岫圖 軸

official positions. Wang learned to paint from having grown up in the refined artistic atmosphere of his.....more


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