搜尋:OX 在 繪畫 分類當中


元顏輝畫老子騎牛 軸

元顏輝畫老子騎牛 軸

to tradition, Lao-tzu is said to have ridden on a blue ox. In this painting, Lao-tzu is shown riding.....more

明周臣甯戚飯牛圖 軸

明周臣甯戚飯牛圖 軸

), a native of Wei, stopping to feed the ox pulling his cart in the state of Ch'i. Duke Huan of Ch'i saw.....more

宋緙絲青牛老子圖 軸

宋緙絲青牛老子圖 軸

, Laozi on a blue ox turned up. Laozi responded to Yin Xi’s request by writing down the Daode jing.....more

宋李唐乳牛圖 軸

宋李唐乳牛圖 軸

忠郎銜任畫院待詔。 &* A boy lies on the back of a mother ox. Her calf is shown following with its neck craned.....more

宋錢選畫時苗留犢圖 卷

宋錢選畫時苗留犢圖 卷

, Anhwei). An honest and upright official, when he assumed post, he arrived by means of only an ox-pulled.....more

宋陳居中無量壽佛像 軸

宋陳居中無量壽佛像 軸

was a renowned painter of Mongolian horses during the Hsuan-ho reign (1119-1125). Slowly an ox covered.....more

明人考牧圖 卷

明人考牧圖 卷

. As for the herdsboys, one sits atop his ox pulling a melody out from his flute, another lies upon his ox’s.....more

宋元名繪 冊 宋人溪陰浴牧

宋元名繪 冊 宋人溪陰浴牧

turning red, indicating the season as autumn. Two oxen are seen resting in the stream as another ox.....more

宋人清溪晚牧圖 軸

宋人清溪晚牧圖 軸

oxen through the river. One ox has already reached the bank, while the other is only half-way across.....more

宋人畫問喘圖 卷

宋人畫問喘圖 卷

a water-buffalo which was painting heavily. He immediately became concerned and asked the ox-herd.....more

五代周文矩七賢過關圖 卷

五代周文矩七賢過關圖 卷

。 &* In this snowy landscape valley with trees is a figure riding an ox, 5 on donkeys, and one on a horse.....more

五代周文矩七賢過關圖 卷

五代周文矩七賢過關圖 卷

。 &* In this snowy landscape valley with trees is a figure riding an ox, 5 on donkeys, and one on a horse.....more

明張路畫老子騎牛 軸

明張路畫老子騎牛 軸

with the story of Laotzu riding an ox through a pass. It is said that with the fall of the Chou dynasty, Laotzu.....more

明唐寅畫山水人物 冊 山間騎犢

明唐寅畫山水人物 冊 山間騎犢

on an ox moves forward along a river. Its ink and brushwork are delicate and fine. 本幅 38.2x63.6公分、全幅 .....more

明鄭重倣王蒙葛洪移居圖 軸

明鄭重倣王蒙葛洪移居圖 軸

, there are a ram, two dogs, and three boys seizing a lether belt of an ox, carrying furniture, and holding.....more

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