秘殿珠林三編(乾清宮),頁68 &*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁66&*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁257-258&*顏輝(西元十三世紀末—十四世紀初),浙江江山人。字秋月,工畫人物及寫生,並工畫鬼,筆法奇絕,饒有生意。 傳說李耳出關,騎著一頭青牛。本幅即畫老子騎牛,一童持杖隨侍。衣紋粗筆揮灑,鬢髮細筆勾畫,線條轉折起落富變化。就畫風言,與顏輝不類,應為明人仿作。&*Yen Hui (style name Ch'iu-yueh) was a native of Chiang-shan, Chekiang. He excelled at depicting Buddhist and Taoist figures, as well as painting from nature. He was especially noted for his representations of ghosts and for his unusual and spirited brushwork. According to tradition, Lao-tzu is said to have ridden on a blue ox. In this painting, Lao-tzu is shown riding an ox and attended by a boy holding a cane. The brushwork of the drapery is rough and unrestrained, while the lines representing hair are thin and delicate. The variation in the strokes reveals the painter's skill in handling the brush. The style, however, differs from that associated with Yen Hui, and it may represent a copy of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644).