搜尋:well 在 書畫 分類當中


宋人畫秋塘雙雁 軸

宋人畫秋塘雙雁 軸

artists. The meticulous detail of the plants and feathers as well as the open distance in the center.....more

宋四家真蹟 冊 宋米芾書論書

宋四家真蹟 冊 宋米芾書論書

calligraphers, the style here accords well with the contents, showing that Mi Fu “practiced what he.....more

宋朱熹易繫辭 冊

宋朱熹易繫辭 冊

and calligraphy, making for a well-documented history. Mainly in regular script, the brush strokes.....more

清石濤寫竹通景十二屏 軸

清石濤寫竹通景十二屏 軸

, and chrysanthemum and orchid as well as hollyhock, it is a realm symbolic of the lofty and elegant scholar.&*朱若.....more

明人畫扇面 (乙) 冊 明人月下吹笛

明人畫扇面 (乙) 冊 明人月下...

brush techniques. As well, the representations of the figures were executed with refined, exquisite.....more

清郎世寧十駿犬霜花鷂 軸

清郎世寧十駿犬霜花鷂 軸

. The painter is especially well-known for his rendering of figures, flowers, birds and larger-than-life.....more

明朱芾揭缽圖 卷

明朱芾揭缽圖 卷

painter of geese among reeds, as well of landscapes and of drawn figures. This painting depicts.....more

清陳字文房集錦 冊 戲嬰圖

清陳字文房集錦 冊 戲嬰圖

) gradually became a theme for entertaining children as well. The exaggerated features of the child.....more

清丁觀鵬太平春市圖 卷

清丁觀鵬太平春市圖 卷

as well as hometown are unknown, but he served the court during the Qianlong era (1736-1795). Excell.....more

清徐揚繪鵝子圖御題 軸

清徐揚繪鵝子圖御題 軸

figures, birds and flowers, grasses and insects, as well as at ruled-line painting. In 1751, when.....more

清吳穀祥具區湧金圖 單片

清吳穀祥具區湧金圖 單片

in Zhejiang, excelled at landscapes and early studied the styles of Wen Zhengming and Shen Zhou as well.....more

元顧安倪瓚合作古木竹石 軸

元顧安倪瓚合作古木竹石 軸

. In 1373, Ni Tsan saw this painting and later added the rock and inscribed his poem as well.....more

唐閻立本畫蕭翼賺蘭亭圖 卷

唐閻立本畫蕭翼賺蘭亭圖 卷

in painting histories indicate that his works have powerful lines with force as well as solid.....more

唐徐浩書朱巨川告身 卷

唐徐浩書朱巨川告身 卷

, those being for a recipient of “register,” “order,” “command,” and “decree,” as well as for “sentence.....more

唐李思訓江帆樓閣 軸

唐李思訓江帆樓閣 軸

the "blue-and-green" style of landscape. This complex correlates well with ancient.....more


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